
Friday, April 26, 2013

It's Friday!!!

Hiya, everyone! Lately I haven't been able to come up with what to blog about (nothing too interesting has happened), but I'll try.

Well, as you can see, I have renamed my blog-"Simply Fairley". I like it better than "101 On Me", because it denotes me better in my opinion. But I hope I haven't confused you too much-I changed the blogger address to that, too.

Okay, onto what's been happening in my life...

Well, I just got "The Selection" from the library-I was so excited. For those who don't know, "The Selection" is set in the future in a sort of modern monarchy setting. They have this annual pageant for young women to enter in the "Selection", a contest consisting of 35 women competing to win the heart of Prince Maxon. Sound familiar? Some have called it a cross between "The Hunger Games" and "The Bachelor". I haven't seen "The Bachelor" but it is similar to "The Hunger Games" (although no one's fighting to the death, of course...).

Anyway, it's pretty engaging and a page-turner, but I'm not sure if it's 4-star worthy or not. The thing is, I think it was labeled as a dystopian, but dystopian novels are usually set in either 1) a bleak setting or 2) a dystopia disguising as a utopia (like "The Giver). Either way, the main character usually rebels against the society, and there are usually some physiological messages about oppression, freedom, etc. So far I haven't seen that in "The Selection". No one's really in poverty-some people are poorer than others, but it's not like the rulers are dictators. The real problem, I guess, is that the Selection seems superficial and people of higher castes and lower castes' relationships would be hard because of their class level. But other than that, their world isn't too bad-so far. At least I'm enjoying the novel.

Sorry to make that paragraph so long-that's what I've been doing lately. Let's head over to something else-dance!

Well, I have finished all of my dances, as I mentioned a few weeks ago. I like my tap piece, but it feels like a step down from what I did last year and the previous years (I've been taking tap for about 3 years now). But it's still fun to do. And modern is pretty fun-more advanced, too, which I like. But there has been some D.R.A.M.A. in my class-it's like UGH! But it doesn't affect me-I've tried to stay away from it. Still, I don't like drama-I'd rather just watch it on television. But I don't want this to turn into a negative post-I hope it hasn't. And it's not too bad, anyway. Overall dance is fine.

Just found out (literally, like an hour ago) that we're thinking about moving in this house sometime next month. It looks pretty nice, and it's cheaper than where we're living right now (not to mention it's not smaller than the current house-actually, it may be bigger). I always get excited when we move and, since I've gotten over the shock, am looking forward to it.

"Iron Man 3" is coming out soon...I hope it's good. It looks good. I'm not sure how the villain will be-I didn't like the one in "Iron Man 2" (I liked the one in the first film). And I hope they reference "The Avengers" (I think they will)-Marvel's usually good about their continuity. I'm not sure exactly what to expect from this film, but Robert Downey Jr. is a really good actor so I don't think he'll disappoint me.

Speaking of films, I may see that "Man of Steel" movie when it comes out-it looks interesting. It's produced by Christopher Nolan, and I haven't seen any of his films before (even though he directed "The Dark Knight", but still). I hear he's good, though, so I'm hoping the film will be, too.

I recently saw the trailer for "Catching Fire"-it looks pretty good. I think I enjoyed the first "The Hunger Games" novel better, but "Catching Fire" was solid. I didn't get to see the guy who played Finnick, though-I wish I did. He's one of my favorite characters. And I didn't see Johanna Mason, either-I like her, too. I don't know if I'll see it in theaters, but if I get a chance I do want to watch it.

Wow, this changed into movie talk! I always diverge onto a different subject-I don't know what's with me! Anyway, I'm glad this blog post is longer than I had thought it would be-which is good! I'm feeling like my post aren't as exciting anymore-is my life that boring? XD Maybe I just don't have anything interesting going on.

In any case, though, I hope you did enjoy some of my post. Ciao!

Friday, April 19, 2013

What's Up, Everyone?

Nothing too special has happened this week...

Let's see...My parents are still looking at places to move to (in case I haven't already told you, I'm moving in less than a month). One house they showed me looked pretty nice-I think it had an elevator :). But I'm not sure if we're moving there or somewhere else, we're still deciding. I've gotten over the shock of moving-it's the packing I'm worried about. We have so much stuff in our house I hate to carry it while we're packing :P

In dance news...I've finished my dances! Both tap and modern! Tap is surprisingly short (I recored myself practicing the dance and it was like, 2 minutes and 30 seconds), whereas modern, I believe, is around 5 minutes (modern's usually longer). I would love to post videos of me dancing up on my dance blog, but I can't stinkin' upload them! The file or something the video is in can't be transported to the blog...oh well, it looks better while everyone's in the dance, anyway.

I've gotten a writing obsession-I think, after I started reading good stories, I began to write like crazy! Today I've been writing about this story, which is sort of a retelling of "Little Red Riding Hood". It's kinda complicated, but the story is apart of this series I'm making (which, right now, is called "Ever After"), a remake of fairytales. Basically all the fairytale villains team up to takeover different kingdoms in the land Fairytale (working title-I know it's predictable), and some of the protagonists of the stories (Snow White, Red Riding Hood, Jack from Jack And The Beanstalk, Jack The Giant Killer, and so on) are sort of the leaders of the rebellion. I think it's going to be really good :)

While we're on the subject of writing, I must tell you that I have finally published TWO stories on Wattpad! YES!!! One of them is an original story, the other a fanfiction. Please check it out if you have the chance-I know it's not perfect and want some feedback on what to change. But I hope you like it, too! My username is KeylaKeystone (it's a fake name I used-Keyla is a character in one of my stories).

In less interesting news, I've become obsessed with smelling good. I know that sounds weird, but what I mean is I've fallen in love with scented shower gels, lotions, and body sprays. I could probably shop at places like Bed Bath and Beyond for hours XD

And speaking of obsessions, I am thinking about making a website to put all of my obsessions on (like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, so I'd delete the old MLP fansite I have now). The nerd in me just keeps growing larger and larger, and-since I'm running out of stuff to write on my MLP fansite and don't want to make a bunch of websites with my obsessions-I'm probably going to put it in one. It'll probably be called NerdOutlet or something to that sort :). Please check it out-especially if you are a nerd! ;)

Speaking of obsessions, my brother, Manny (the oldest one in the family) is like, a total comic book nerd. He's obsessed with superheroes (I love them, too, but not to that degree) and he's really physced for "Iron Man 3" (he was even counting down the days). I admit that it does look interesting and want to see it. I hope it's an improvement on "Iron Man 2" (which was just okay, but mediocre compared to the first "Iron Man"). I can be a girly girl, but when it comes to superheroes the girly girl in me sorta disappears XD

What else to talk about...oh, yes! The new book in "Divergent" (Allegiant), which so happens to be the last book, is coming out in 180 days! How do I know this? There was a countdown for it and I put it on one of my blogs (yeah...I'm that obsessed). I was SO excited when I discovered the title of the last book-I've been eagerly anticipating it. I wonder what'll happen next...*praying in my head* Please don't kill Four, PLEASE don't kill Four, or I will DIE.

Wow, this has turned into a total nerd post...sorry about that, guys! Haha, anyway, I want to talk about some more stuff, but I can't think of much at the, I'm signing off now. Goodbye, and thanks for reading!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Embarrassing Moments

So we've pretty much all had embarrassing moments in our life, right? Well, I thought it'd be fun for me to mention mine. After all, it's better to laugh at yourself than to beat yourself up about it, right?
Here are some of the few embarrassing moments I can remember:

-I was at a band concert (my dad's band) and I was extremely tired (it ended at eleven or midnight). I closed my eyes because I was so sleepy, and then someone had tapped me on the shoulder. I thought it was my younger sister, and I snapped, "What do you want?" Guess what? It was someone else! O_O I felt sooo bad (and I realized I shouldn't have snapped, regardless of who it was), so I apologized to the person on Facebook

-I was singing in the kitchen (I thought no one else was there; I only sing when I'm alone), and when I turned around, I saw my mom watching. (This has happened more than once)

-This isn't too embarrassing, but one time someone said that my shirt looked comfortable and I said, "Thank you!" O_O I didn't know what else to say :P

Thankfully I haven't had too many embarrassing moments-although, when I look back at it, it's funny :). So I kinda wish I did have more embarrassing moments to laugh at :D


Friday, April 5, 2013

Hello, Everyone!

Today I'm going to talk about what's been happening lately. I like to keep a log of pretty much my everyday life :)

Well, Monday was the start of school again (for me, some kids got out :P)-it actually wasn't that bad, though. During the afternoon, of course, I had dance class (tap). We learned some to our dance-I'm not sure how much is left until we finished. So once that was done, we got home and ate a late dinner, and then I went upstairs to watch the new episode of "Kickin' It" and "Lab Rats"(minor rant coming up). This is the new season of "Kickin' It", but I don't understand why Jack and Kim aren't dating (my worst fears confirmed)...I mean, Kim was flirting with some guy when she knew very well that she and Jack had feelings for each other! And Milton was BARELY in this episode-I mean, the longest he was in was a scene before the cold opening. And Eddie, who wasn't my favorite character, is not on the show anymore (he's not in the intro), but they didn't explain why! Oh well, it was still a good-abliet average-episode.

Tuesday was normal-school, chores, volunteering at the library. Nothing too special happened. Although, something big DID happen. I'm not sure if it was Tuesday or Wednesday (or maybe Monday...) but recently I found out we're moving. In less than a month, actually. It's pretty soon. It's not that I'm super attached to my old house (which I do like), but it just seems so soon. My biggest gripe is probably going to be loading all of the stuff we have-we have a LOT of stuff in the house! But I'm always curious as to where we're moving :). Honestly, I'm just shocked that it's so soon.

Wednesday was normal (I know, normal, right? So boring XD). Well, I had dance class that day (modern :D) and we learned some stuff to our dance. It's kinda hard, but really fun. If I could figure out a way, I'd show the video on my "Dance HQ" blog of my dance :).

Thursday may seem boring, 'cause I didn't have any extracurricular activities (but I had more time to write my stories :D). Oh, I'm not sure when this had happened (probably soon after my birthday), but I've become a little obsessed with that new Oz movie-the one directed by Sam Raimi. Now, I know most people are going to be shocked at me for saying this-but I just thought that the "Wizard of Oz" was okay. I mean, I read the book (abliet another adaption), but I figured it'd be more accurate than the film. It just seemed a little kiddie to me, I guess? But the new film looks more interesting, and I even bought a novelization of it. I've been writing and reading fanfictions for it, too. I think the story is good, but (at least in the novelization) it seemed to go too fast. Wait, why am I telling you this? I guess I just needed to get it out :P

Friday-IT'S FRIDAY!!! :D Did work as usual (had an EXTREMELY hard time with math-CURSE YOU!!!) but FINALLY got it (haha, in your face! XD Sorry I'm going a little crazy...) Nothing special happened. I got a little hyper off of dried apricots, which was fun XD. Oh, this is a bit unrelated, but I just found out that Justice League and Justice League Unlimited is on Netflix :). It's fun to re-watch them since Cartoon Network rarely shows it :P

Well, that's it. Ciao!!! :D