
Monday, October 19, 2015

Monthly Posts!!!

Hey, guys! I know I haven't blogged in FOREVER, and I'm sorry. It's just that, between school and extracurriculars and binge-watching on Netflix, I don't feel up to blogging every week xD I actually have kind of turned over to Tumblr now, since it's a "mini" blog that I can blog everyday without too much time being taken up.

But not to fear! I kind of miss blogging, to be honest. I really do love Blogger's format. So what I'm going to do is blog on here monthly!!! That won't take a whole bunch of my time, yet I still get to inform you of my weeks! Yay!!!

So that's the plan for now! Obviously I'm WAY off a month, but hey, I got here before October ended! So I guess I'll see you guys sometime in November!!!