
Saturday, November 15, 2014


In case you guys have been wondering what I've been feeling since I've been busy with NaNoWriMo, it's that. Writing 50,000 words seemed like a hefty but possible goal, but now...I KNOW I can still do it, but it just feels like so's like a never-ending'm SO glad I'm rewriting this story instead of starting from scratch...that would have been a nightmare...

Anyway, so yeah. That's how I'm feeling this week. Tired. That's what happens with all my stories: after the first week or so, I get tired, even sick of it, in a way. I guess it's just because I spent so much time with that one story - a month, usually over 28 days unless you're February (excluding Leap Years, of course...) - but I usually get over it. Because, hey, I wasn't writing a novel then, so I figured a good 1,000 words, maybe more, a day, would work. And I didn't pay much mind to word counts, so however long I needed it to me for me to say, "Yes, that work's completed" worked well enough. I even allowed myself to take off weekends - from my story, of course: I still wrote on those days - which was REALLY nice.

But NaNoWriMo? Oh, no. It's not easy-peasy, or even a little easy. It's not even relaxed. Its' HARDCORE, man. Writing a novel is hard enough, but writing a novel in a MONTH, writing not much less than 2,000 words EVERY DAY??? It's torture somedays.

I don't regret doing it, though. I like challenging myself. I actually kind of love it, in fact, if that makes any sense. It pushes me. It makes me stop procrastinating and get the job done, a discipline that I really need when it comes to my writing. It eliminates distractions, because if you miss one day, then BAM! you're behind. It's vigorous, but it helps me write.

So yeah, I don't regret doing NaNoWriMo this year. I did the camp this summer, and that turned out pretty okay, and I just wanted to experience NaNoWriMo once, even if it's only one year. And it's looking like it just may be one year, people. Because this thing is HARD.

Anyway, that's what's been up with me. What's been up with you? Or am I just talking to air? I never know if anyone's reading this blog or not...

Anyway, like I said, that's it. Wow, this post ended up a lot longer than I thought it would. I thought NaNoWriMo had killed any other writing left in me xD. Anyway, I'm saying "anyway" too much, and I'm tired. Writing is mentally draining, but when I finish it, I'll be DONE. And I'll be proud, too. Not only will I have (hopefully) completed my story, but it will also be the first novel I've ever written! How exciting is that? :)

See you guys next week! (Even if the post is shorter ;)

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