
Saturday, July 26, 2014

Almost August

I think Daphne’s going to annoy me again on Switched At Birth after last week’s episode! :/ I think (pretty sure) I blogged about her a LONG time ago back in season 2, when she was insufferable (for lack of better adjective), and she looks to be getting there again :/ But seriously - she’s blaming Regina for Angelo’s death and yelling at Bay for trying to help her? And then her whole, “I did cocaine - what are you going to do about it?’ bit and her trying WAY too hard to be bad..ugh, I’m just not forward to looking at her antics next week. She KISSED some guy who trashed her mother! But then again Daphne’s going back to blaming her mom for EVERYTHING like she’s done in the past. Ugh :/

Aside from that…it was nice that Bay got to meet her cousin (though the brain damage being hereditary thing wasn’t pleasant…) and her sister :) See, I don’t wanna compare (or maybe I do…but I seriously don’t wanna say one is better than the other), but I’ve heard people say that Bay’s bratty and rebellious, and yes, she can act like that, but (as someone on IMDB pointed out once) Bay owes up to her mistakes quickly enough. Daphne does not. More than that, Bay seems to not have this attitude about how she’s righteous and can do no wrong :/

I think Daphne’s going to annoy me again on Switched At Birth after last week’s episode! :/ I think (pretty sure) I blogged about her a LONG time ago back in season 2, when she was insufferable (for lack of better adjective), and she looks to be getting there again :/ But seriously - she’s blaming Regina for Angelo’s death and yelling at Bay for trying to help her? And then her whole, “I did cocaine - what are you going to do about it?’ bit and her trying WAY too hard to be bad..ugh, I’m just not forward to looking at her antics next week. She KISSED some guy who trashed her mother! But then again Daphne’s going back to blaming her mom for EVERYTHING like she’s done in the past. Ugh :/

Aside from that…it was nice that Bay got to meet her cousin (though the brain damage being heredit thing wasn’t pleasant…) and her sister :) See, I don’t wanna compare (or maybe I do…but I seriously don’t wanna say one is better than the other), but I’ve heard people say that Bay’s bratty and rebellious, and yes, she can act like that, but (as someone on IMDB pointed out once) Bay owes up to her mistakes quickly enough. Daphne does not. More than that, Bay seems to not have this attitude about how she’s righteous and can do no wrong :/

I caught up with Sherlock Monday! I didn't like season 3's episode as much (I don't think they should have made Mary an assassin), but it was still very good, to say the least. And I'm not sure whether or not Moriarty's back - there are done theories out there online, but I guess I'll have to wait until 2016 to find out! By the way, I DON'T WANNA WAIT 2 YEARS FOR A NEW EPISODE!!! Just thought I'd get it out there. Yeah, I've become a little occupied with the show...having random moments where Sherlock appears in my head or even in my dreams (though, frankly, I don't mind staring at Benedict Cumberbatch's face ;) Irene Adler, I've become Sherlocked. I actually might read the books now, though I doubt it'll be like the series. But you know, they say the book's usually better!

I started watching The Fosters on Netflix Tuesday and am really enjoying it! Unfortunately, my sister said that they took season 2 off (I know they did take it off my cue for awhile), so I can't catch up on it fully, but at least I can enjoy some of it :) I realized that I am in the ABC Family target audience (I think it should be renamed "Teen ABC" because most of the shoes are aimed at female adolescents), and I've enjoyed a lot of their shoes (The Nine Lives of Chloe King, Switched At Birth, The Fosters, and, from what I saw of it, Chasing Life), but what do these all have in common? They're family dramas, of course! Soap opera-ish, I suppose, but I love the family aspect of it all ^_^

I don't know if I put this up last week (doubt that I did), but uh...I FINISHED MY CAMP NANOWRIMO STORY THIS YEAR!!! Well, not "officially", since I got an email saying that I would have to confirm this by the 25 or so, but I know that I am done with my story, baby! Whoohoo!!! Fourth draft of the first Hyper-Monkey book is finished!!! :D YEAH!!! Of course it needs a LOT of editing and I really doubt that I needed that 30,000 word length, but the fact is that I'm finally DONE!!!

And now I wanna take a break! XD So next month I'm gonna rewrite Lizard-Man's first story (yeah, I'm trying that one again), but I want to see if I can get some outward input on it - I still feel like it's too similar to Lizard-Man. But I dint want to publish it on Figment or Movellas or whatever...well, actually, I do, but I don't know if anyone will plagiarize my idea when it's free to read online and don't want to take that risk...

Unfortunately, I think it's good that I did that, because one of my Figment friends sent me an email that showed a post via her blog of her warning other users about putting their favorite written stories online because she got hers stolen in a roleplaying game :/ And the same thing happened on with someone who wrote a Selection fanfic I loved - and that was a fanfiction, which already claims to not own people's original works! I wonder if this is a message from the universe, a warning from God, because I had considered posting my stories (the ones I want to get published) online, and now this shows up. Still, I feel so bad for my friends :( I can't imagine how devastated I'd feel if someone did the same to me :/

My dad’s birthday was Wednesday!!! :) I can’t believe he’s 48 :O in my mind, my mom stopped aging at 40 and my dad stopped aging at 45 xD lol

I finished reading “Champion” Friday! Like Prodigy and Legend, it was really good. I love how all of the books are pretty much 4-stat quality entertainment. This one was more intense, though, and I didn’t like how Day forgot his memory of June and I really don’t like how June then decided to start over and not tell Day the truth. But the epilogue was nice. Overall, it was a really good book, and I’m glad it had a happy ending to it :)

I’m a little excited right now because I WON CAMPNANOWRIMO THIS YEAR!!!! YES!!! I mean I know I said I was done with it before, but Friday I got to get a really cool certificate! AND PRIZES! I THOUGH I WOULD JUST GET THE CERTIFICATE??? THIS IS AWESOMESAUCE ASHSDKCF!!!

Anyway…I know my story needs editing like CRAZY, and I must admit that I stopped editing the last few chapters because I honestly got tired of seeing that Hyper-Monkey story, and I really didn’t need a word limit, I mean, I just wanted to edit parts here and there…but whatever! The goal of NaNoWriMo is just to go in there and get it done, right? That’s exactly what I did :) And I’m proud. NaNoWriMo helped me not procrastinate all the time because I actually had a deadline (not just by the end of July, but a word limit everyday). I loved how they could hold me accountable for that. I am going to try to do that next month, when I edit my Lizard-Man story. 

I feel like I always end my posts in "Well, that's it for the week. Bye!", but I don't know what else to say! :P But yeah, that's it...I feel like the same things pretty much happen every week...not that that's bad, but, you know, just an observation...anyway, bye! :D

Saturday, July 19, 2014

This Week In My Life...

My brother found out that this software called Winebottler is an application that allows your mac to download Windows-exclusive apps, so I got it so that I could get Paint!!! :D My Mac is great, but I missed Paint when I switched over. But now I have it!!! :)

Switched At Birth broke my heart last week! :( Angelo, as we saw, was seriously injured in the hospital, but I was hoping that he’d wake up eventually. But then the doctor said that he was brain dead, and I’m not sure if he was trying to commit suicide or not or because he was apparently already brain damaged and his stress/anger set him off…but he. Died. He was just starting to bond with Daphne and become a real father! I can’t believe they killed him off!!! It didn’t feel real; I think I’m going through the five stages of grief :’(

On the bright side, I found out that the last thirty minutes of The Little Mermaid was on Disney Channel, so that made me happy!!! :D I have watched that film SO many times, you wouldn’t believe it. I’m really obsessed with it, and it made me obsessed with mermaids ^_^

But during that I made a Star Wars reference somehow, and then I decided to watch the climatic battle scene in Revenge of The Sith, and that made me sad, too, because I’ve always been devastated how Anakin turned to the dark side and how the film ended on such a sad note :( So I was depressed again :’( Way to go, Fairley! But I got a little happier when I saw the lightsaber battle and started thinking, “Hey, I’ll see this again in Episode VII!” Nerding out moment :)

So I just started watching Sherlock last week or so!!! Everyone (at least it seemed) kept telling me how great it was, and then my brother told me that he was enjoying it, so I started watching it - and it’s really good! Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman are great actors (and I must confess - Benedict is kinda-sorta-hot). And, even know I’ve never read the books (crazy, right?) it’s really cool how they updated Sherlock and made him a super genus who can tell if you’re married by the color of your jacket or something! It’s actually more like a superpower, but whatever…I’m not sure if I’d call myself a Sherlockian yet, but I do enjoy the series ^_^

I’m practically done with NaNoWriMo!!! I got a bit confused, though (and still am) about the word limit thing per day vs. the past weeks and accidentally put in not enough of the word limit, but I’ve gone WAY over (unintentionally) my 30,000 word limit - I have like 40,000 now!!! :O But I’m glad I finished (I WILL finish!) the fourth draft of the first Hyper-Monkey novel. I don’t feel like I’ve gotten too far in it - granted, my past drafts didn’t have any major rewrites like this one - but I have gotten somewhere, so that counts for something :) And I must thank NaNoWriMo for keeping me up on my toes and not making me procrastinate! I was determined to win this thing ;)

I went to another craft workshop thingy at the library Friday! This time, we made duct-tape, which, if you know me, is one of my obsessions ^_^ Anyway, I decided to make a little phone case with this really pretty duct-tape patter and some duct-tape bracelets. I also started making a rose but ran out of time during the class, but at least now I have the idea on how to do it! :) I need to start remembering to take pictures of these! :P The library took some but I don't know if they're on Facebook or their website or wherever.

Oh, I think I wrote this last week, but you know the 12 books goal I have this summer? I'm practically done with it!!! :) Yesterday, I went to get a book called "Quicksilver", which is based off of either a Greek myth or multiple ones and is narrated by Hermes, but then my Mom told me that Champion, which I had put on hold, WAS AT THE LIBRARY!!! So I went to get it and I'm so happy you guys. I can't wait to read what happens with June and Day! But now the series is going to end for me :O But I have to read it :D Dilemmas...Oh, and I'm pretty sure I saw the lady who used to be in charge of the volunteers at one of my libraries (she had transferred to another one) there that day!!! But I never got (or took) the chance to talk to her. Anyway, that was cool :)

Well, that’s been it for the week. Next Friday the library’s going to do paracord bracelets (which I looked up and am excited for!) and I’m going to try and catch up on Sherlock by Sunday or Monday :D Wait, why am I happy about that? I have to wait two years for season 4, right? :O Lol, ciao!  

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Cookin, Library Crafts, Summer

Remember the "cookin" I mentioned last week? Well, it happened! :3 So I'm gonna log it down!

The cookin was at noon, so, in the meanwhile, we did some sort of deep cleaning! Like I said last Saturday, we clean really well for guests XD but we also did it for ourselves, our mom reminded us :) After that, we had a few hours before the "party", so I turned on FX and started watching the middle of The Incredible Hulk as well as Spider-Man 3 (FX was having an all-day superhero movie fest for the Independence Day weekend :)

Then the food got there! Hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken...mmm! It was delicious :) and no one else was there till later, so we are some. And then the people came! Some I had seen in awhile (like my grandma) but most of them I hadn't, save for Facebook. No one was really my age except for one of my cousins, so I didn't really stay to chat. Well, I talked with the adults a bit, but you know what I mean ;)

Switched At Birth wasn't as intense last week as I had thought...not until the very end, of course. But it did have some intense moments, and I was definitely on the edge of my seat. I'm not sure how much more I can handle for next Monday :O

The episode started off with Kathryn waking up in bed and getting a phone call and saying in an anxious voice that there was an emergency or someone was in the ER! I was like, "What the heck???" And then then cut to a scene that said, "Twelve hours earlier..."

Regina, I wish she'd just stop with the East Riverside job, because she's been nearly assaulted more than once and now she has a gun (A DEADLY WEAPON) for self-defense because of that Wes guy!!! Ugh! And she was going to do some illegal work or something with Chip Coto (whaaat???) and I'm just like, "Drop the job, Regina." Why is she so insistent on keeping it?

We'll get to more of that later (it gets more intense!); in the meantime, let's talk about what the Kennishes were doing! Toby came back home! (And he had a beard). And Bay was upset because she didn't get accepted into an art school she wanted to go to, so Toby convinced her to do some crazy (and illegal) thing and it didn't work out on some parts but it did at the end and she made a really pretty art piece. And they had a nice family moment (aw!)

Speaking of which, Angelo and Daphne had some nice family moment when they were cooking, and they hugged and had a "selfie" (let the feels kick in). But unlike the Kennishes, this won't last, unfortunately. And here we go to mention what I said earlier!

So Regina drives by the place she's working at, right? And she sees the word LIAR spray painted on the door! Even though it's in THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT, she goes off to wipe off the vandalism! 

While she's doing this, Daphne goes in (Angelo was in the car next to the store) to get her mom - but Regina doesn't hear Daphne but hears someone! Of course she assumes it's some sort of criminal, so she PULLS THE GUN on Daphne!!! Thank goodness she didn't hit the trigger, but you can imagine how traumatized she'd be!

But that's not all! Angelo comes in and discovers this, and he and Regina get into an EXPLOSIVE argument about guns and safety and Angelo even accuses Regina of cheating on him with Wes! And then Regina points out how the last time Angelo accused her of cheating, he left Daphne. And Daphne's telling her parents to stop but they won't, and the scene ends with him driving off way too fast.

And then the scene cuts again to Kathryn picking up the phone call and hearing about the emergency, and then we see that ANGELO IS IN THE ER!!! WHAT THE HECK??? I think his driving was too dangerous so he got hit or something...and now I have to wait an entire week to find out what happens next!!! WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME???

I received a mysterious package Monday (it was from an address I didn't know), and my mother assumed that it was from my grandma so I left her a voicemail. Tuesday she called me back and confirmed she sent the package (as well as another one). At the time I only had that one package, and I eagerly opened it. 

I found a bracelet that had the words "Stay Strong" on it with a heart on the back, and it just filled me with so much euphoria. Immediately I thought of Demi and how she has the exact same words as tattoos written on her wrists. Once again, I actually felt like I could be Demi, was Demi, could understand how she felt. Even though I'm trying to change my perspective on life and feel like it's the best way for me to be truly happy, little things like this help me so much. I'm going to wear the bracelet as much as I can (it's waterproof!), so that I'll never forget: stay strong❤️

I finished “A Wrinkle In Time” Wednesday. It was OK. I wished I had liked it more; I didn’t really care about the characters or could get into the story. And I would say that it’s overrated, but, you know, to each their own. I’m glad others enjoyed it ^_^ I wrote a review for it, which I will post on my reviewing blog sometime, and I’m 2/3 way through with my goal of reading 12 books this summer!!! I only have 4 more to go (though I’ll probably read more afterwards, just cause I love reading!!!)

I went to this t shirt modification craft thingy at the library Friday! Well, not the library closet to me, but another girl was there. The person in charge and her mother helped me, but it was more like guiding me how to measure, cut, etc. I had a lot lf fun, and I loved leading some new tools to use! There was this pizza cutter looking thing that cut my fringes really nicely, and a wonderful grid to help me cut even fringes. And I put pretty beads on and took some pictures (which I need to upload to my computer)! I can't wait for next week - duct tape!!! :)

Anyway, that's it for the week! My grandma bought me "Stay Strong" Friday!!! I've wanted to read Demi's book for after reading the sample on iBooks and now I finally have it!!! I'm so happy. I love how she has little tips on self-improvement for every single day of the year :) Stay strong, everyone! :)

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Independence Day Weekend!!!

I decided to finally purge (again) through my crafty up-cycled stuff. I have a lot of “leftovers” that were just hanging around and decided to get rid of them. So that’s what I did Friday-Saturday. So that felt really good! Getting rid of unnecessary junk is a hobby that I get from my mother :)

Speaking of which, I keep forgetting to post pictures of my crafts online! You know about Transformation Tuesday via Instagram? If not, it’s a day where you just post a “before and after” picture (the ‘transformation’). Since most of my pics of my younger self are on paper that need to be scanned/etc., I decided to use it as a place to show off my up cycled stuff - first showing how a shirt looked, for example, until I tore it up and turned it into a necklace! Plus, I’m hoping people will be interested in what I’m making and hopefully buy it :) that would be cool. I’m getting too much stuff again.

I don’t want to call it a waste of time, but I did spend a good deal near the end of the week looking up Star Wars fanfictions. But they’re some REALLY good ones on there! Plus, it gave me ideas for my own fanfics ;) Why do I always do this, though? Everytime I’m supposed to be working on another project, I want to go work on another one! Like, why didn’t I look up these SW fanfics last month, when I was supposed to be editing it? Ugh, whatever Fairley…xD

But NaNoWriMo will hopefully eliminate most of that! Even though July is on a Tuesday, I don’t like starting things on a Tuesday. So I’m going to do it Monday :) I’ve already edited some of my Hyper-Monkey story - I just hope that I can (I will) commit to it for a month. 

Also, I was thinking I should stop going back and forth between my stories, so I’d finally get some edited, but I don’t have much time until July, so I’m sticking to Hyper-Monkey. That’s where my creative juices are flowing, though - unfortunately, I’m getting too bored with Lizard-Man. Both of them, really, aren’t as interesting characters as I’d like them to me, but somehow Todd Rivers (Hyper-Monkey) seems more interesting than Nicholas Westbridge (Lizard-Man). Maybe because I made Todd a little fireball like I am! Lol

Switched At Birth was okay Monday. I wasn't too big on Emmet's story arc, since it doesn't really deal with family issues, but I'm glad she and Emmet didn't get separated from Bay by moving to Wisconsin. I really want to enjoy Bemmet, cause they're a great couple, and the thing about the new baby was interesting, but jeez...they got together by cheating, so I can't :/ ah well, I'm glad she felt bad for cheating on Tank. Poor Tank...

I did like that Regina and Daphne and the Kennishes had the whole drama with paying for college - family drama, yes! It was an interesting dynamic, though Regina got on my nerves. And the race thing was interesting, though, with the Latina vs. White thing since Daphne is white but grew up thinking she was Puerto Rican. 

Travis and Mary Beth are so cute together :) since Bemmet cheated, I think they're my favorite couple. I hate how Travis got all touchy about his family but understand, and at least they came to an understanding...and Mary Beth got Travis to meet his idol! The way Travis hugged him was so sweet I could have cried. So beautiful how he looked up to a deaf football player - we all need role models. Mary Beth is so awesome, I love her :)

But the promo for next weekOMG! Tobys got a beard (what the heck?), Reginas got a gun (WHAT THE HECK?), someone goes to the ER (WHAT THE HECK???) WHAT IS GOING ON NEXT WEEEK? WHY DO THESE PROMOS ALWAYS PULL ME IN??? AH I CANNOT WAIT NEXT MONDAY TO FIND OUT!!!

NaNoWriMo officlaiy started Tuesday (!!!), but I did some wiring earlier than that and on Monday, just cause I had a brainstorm and rather would start something knew on a Sunday/Monday rather than Tuesday. This week, so far, has been kind of, well, uneven, on writing count per day. It’s a rewrite, so I don’t know how many words it should be (I will make it to 30,000, but I think I can shoot for 40,000, or maybe even 50,000), and there are places here and there that I want to edit RIGHT NOW! so I’ve gotta figure out a word count per day. Right now I’m doing like chapter per day, since a chapter for me is usually no longer than 2,000 words, and I worked out that I could write a novel in one month by 2,000 words a day. Ah, well, it’s the first week, right? And this is my very first year doing NaNoWriMo, so I’ve still gotta work out the kinks and figure out the site and stuff. It’s so nice that some of my Figgie friends are on and we’re in a cabin, so I have a little support writer’s group there :)

Well, something VERY interesting happened Thursday! So I was at the library volunteering, like I do most Thursdays, right? The day I left it happened to be raining a LOT outside. I think I had heard of storm warnings, or at least wasn't surprised, but I didn't think it was here or would happen yesterday (for some reason I had that in mind.) I'm done with my volunteering and am about to check out "A Wrinkle In Time" when a voice over the speakers suddenly tells everyone about the tornado warning and how they're taking safety protocols. People are allowed to leave, but they say for everyone who's staying to move into the back hallway. My parents hadn't come back to pick me up yet (I don't have my license), so I followed one of the workers there and went down this room until I reached this old looking hallway with a bunch of other people.

So I waited. I texted my Mom. Sometime after that, another person said that the tornado warning would go on until 12:35pm. And know what's so funny? I read A Wrinkle In Time while I was in the back hallway, and the beginning had someone in the house during a hurricane warning! How ironic is that?

Eventually, they told us that the warning was actually for another county and that though they may have to do this again in ten minutes, we were allowed to leave and resume regular activity. It was so weird, because the lights had been turned off and stuff, but then they turned it back on.

My mom called me, but I couldn't hear her for some rads on, and then I called her back and I actually found out that she had been there too, going to the back hallway but we had missed each other! That was funny! XD Anyway, we got our books and then waited for Dad to pick us up, then left. 

So yeah, that was different. It was actually exciting! Crazy, I know, but I loved how it shook up my day. And although I do not want to be in the vicinity of a tornado for obvious reasons, I would love to see one from a safe view.

Friday was the Fourth of July (or Independence Day!!!) We didn’t do much...My mom’s been doing stuff with all the girls’ hair to make sure it’s healthy, so mine was washed today and I got more yarn braids in :) Also I wanted to watch a patriotic movie like National Treasure, but I couldn’t find it anywhere for free/on instant video on either Amazon or Netflix xD So I just watched some scenes (like the one where Ben’s reading a part of the Declaration of Independence ;) And I watched part of Captain America: The First Avenger on FX.

Well, that’s it for the week! Today we’re having a cookout  (more like “cookin”) with some relatives :) I’ve been cleaning the house a lot, cause, you know, whenever people come over, that’s when the house is the cleanest! xD But in all honestly, Mom reminded us that it was also clean for our own pleasure :) Bye!