
Saturday, April 26, 2014

Late April

I think I liked My Little Pony better last Saturday. It was hard to tell the gist of the episode with all the trading stuff they were doing and how it contained some takeaway message, but we eventually got there. I wonder what they're building up for next week.

Once Upon A Time was better this Sunday! We got a peek into the past about Zelena's backstory, which led to some secret information about Cora. All I can say is: Eva's a witch who conveniently  "redeemed" herself as a mother, Cora has serious self-esteem issues, and Zelena has major jealously issues. On the plus side, Regina had awesome character development in this scene. The fact that she apologized to Belle for what she had done when she was evil and forgave Snow for killing her mother shows her maturity. She also had a heart-to-heart talk with Snow, which was sweet :) And she's still cynical, which is awesome ;) Anyway, I can't wait for next week's episode! Two words: time travel and Snow's baby! :O

I went back to dance class this Monday!!! :D There were two new people there, plus the girl that comes with my sister and I pretty much every other week (yay!) one of the older women was VERY flexible. Seriously, it was unbelievable how flexible she is :O The only person I know who's around her level is a former classmate of mine at my older dance studio, Alicia. 

We did our dance again, and modified it because my teacher forgot/wanted to change some stuff, and it was really fun! But she made us split up in solos, which was not fun and caused my nerves to raise :/ I did okay, good enough, but I was too busy worrying about what other people thought of me.

There's also no showcase for our class -bohoo! :( I asked a classmate of mine (who also volunteers at the studio) and she said it was mainly for  the younger kids and the older ones did stuff like a showcase where students get to choreograph on their own( something I mentioned for what feels like a million years ago) and auditions for 16+ at a big dance festival. If you remember from my posts months ago, I wanted to do the choreographer's showcase so badly but decided against it when I discovered how much stuff had to go into it. The same case probably applies to the dance fest one, too - I haven't really looked at it :P 

Oh, well, at least I got to do a lot of choreography! Even if I'll be possibly moving (though likely in my hometown) and my teacher won't be teaching next semester (sniffles :'/)

Agents of Shield was gripping Tuesday! Ward killed ANOTHER person (will he stop killing people???) and Skye found out the truth about him but didn't say anything to find out more. And everyone else is separated from the team. Stupid Ward, always lying and killing people <_< WHAT IS HE TRULY UP TO??? AGH HOW LONG WILL I HAVE TO WAIT???

I finally finished Uglies. It was pretty good. I wish it hadn't been so boring at some parts where not much of anything was happening. Tally was a bit too flat and two-dimensional. But the story was great and thought-provoking. It still may be awhile until I read the other books, but I googled to see what happened next.

So Friday I found out that Star Wars wasn't going to consider the Expanded Universe canon anymore for the new movies. I can't say I'm terribly upset, but I haven't really delved into the EU and am glad they're getting rid of some stuff. But, at the same time, I liked reading about characters like the Skywalker and Solo kids and Mara Jade on Wookiepedia, so I'll miss not seeing them on screen :/ Oh, well, I'm glad they did it for the most part. The EU was getting jumbled and convoluted and had continuity issues. Which is understandable, given all the authors who contributed to it, but in that case, I think it could be AU. AUs rock, dude :)

And speaking of Star Wars, I got stuck on my fanfic. Ugh :P Like seriously, I'd just open up the second draft and stare at it with a blank mind from writer block's emptiness...I put it away and will probably get started on Lizard-Man's third draft for his first story :) If I want to get my stuff done and close to publishing, which I do, I need to prioritize. 

I also am getting far in my Alice In Wonderland reboot! It's one of the first stories where I have a *gasp* interesting protagonist!!! :O haha, seriously, though, I noticed most main characters aren't nearly as interesting as the side characters, purely because they embody the "good guy" most of the time. But not Alice. She can be straight up rude at times. But she's really jaded...*winks msyerious* I'll get into more details later...;)

Well, that's it for this week! My Little Pony's coming on today, as usual, and we might play a board game. And I'm going to try and publish some more stories up on Figment and Movellas and etc, kind of out of boredom :P lol, ciao!!!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Easter Week

I played Monopoly Saturday, and it took up most of my day. I forgot how long Monopoly was :P haha, well, I went bankrupt and got out of the game the earliest, which kind of sucked :P But it was very entertaining and is actually helping me with money management - which, of course, I'll need in the future ;)

I got the Heartbleed virus warning on Tumblr, so I changed my password. I'm still considering if I should change my other passwords. Ugh, I hate viruses :P I don't like to judge people, but I am so sick of these viruses. As I was saying to my friend Sarah, I really wish the hackers would find something better to do than to ruin other people's information. It's just so irritating. But I am going to make sure I can stay as virus-free as possible

I'm glad Once Upon A Time brought Ariel back, if only briefly, for last Sunday's episode. As much as I love Emma/Hook flirting, I think it should just stay that, as they don't seem to be seriously romantic (at least Emma doesn't). And I'm getting tired of Zelena/Wicked West. She needs to sort out her jealousy issues :P But at least she has a reason behind her evilness, unlike Peter Pan. I really hope he doesn't come back -_-

Since it was going to be Easter Sunday, I had no dance class this week. Bohoo :( Also, the library was closed during the time I usually go, which is Thursday. So I spent all of my time in the house this week. Not that I'm upset, though; I have so many things I love doing in the house. Especially the internet :) haha!

I keep procrastinating on my Star Wars fic :P While the rewrite is easier in many regards, there are some parts I need to rewrite that I'm too lazy too. Such as battle scenes :P Gosh, I don't like battle scenes. I don't like watching them, unless they're really good, and I don't like writing them. It's a struggle getting through them, because I know this particular scene needs one. But I'm gonna  get her done!I keep procrastinating on my Star Wars fic :P While the rewrite is easier in many regards, there are some parts I need to rewrite that I'm too lazy too.

I mainly mean battle scenes :P Gosh, I don't like battle scenes. I don't like watching them, unless they're really good, and I don't like writing them. It's a struggle getting through them, because I know this particular scene needs one. But I'm gonna get her done!!! I like challenges; they help make me a better writer :)

How is it that a book can be interesting and boring at the same time? That's how I feel about Uglies. I love the premise, as stated in previous posts, but some parts are boring me. If I sit down to read it, I'll read it, but I have something else I'd rather do, I won't read it :P But I borrowed it from the library, so I have to read it. And I will :)

In other news, I have been trying to upcycle everything I can. For those of you who don't know, "upcycle" means to reuse something and make it of higher quality. I've actually been doing this for a long time (pocket purses, for example), but I never knew what it was called until I saw it on Pinterest. So anyway, it's one of my newer obsessions :) I don't know why I get such a thrill out of reusing something. I think I get it from my mother. I'm excited about finding the right tools so that I can make jewelry out of bottle caps (I've seen them, and they're gorgeous!!!)

Well, that's it for the week. I only had a three-day school week because Manny gets off Thursday-Sunday for Easter!!! I don't even celebrate Easter, but who am I to turn down a break? :D Haha. So I'm loving my days off!!! Bye!!!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Spring Stuff

I watched The Winter Solider Sunday. It was okay. I didn't particularly like the whole "you can't trust anyone" storyline, and there was too much violence for my taste. Also, I've never really found Steve Rodgers/Captain America to be as interesting as some other superheroes (ala Peter Parker/Spider-Man and Tony Stark/Iron Man.) He just feels like the embodiment of everything a superhero should be, a man with no moral struggles, just like Superman. But it was "perfectly adequate" (as one person said) and entraining overall. I liked Falcon - he was funny - and Natasha/Black Widow was better because she was less of a Mary Sue in this one and was cracking some jokes ;)

Once Upon A Time did get more interesting on some parts. We found out about Zelena's past. Her adopted dad was an insufferable jerk for reasons unknown, and she turned her into a jealous witch once she discovered that Cora had favored Regina. So really, The Wicked Witch of The West is just a jealous woman. It's better than Peter Pan's evil-for-no-reason vibe, though, and at least it gives Regina an excuse to make snarky remarks like how the WWOW was in a love triangle with the Scarecrow XD I love Regina's transition from evil queen to cynic.

One of the books my sister Amber got from the library book sale, a Clone Wars book (titled "Wild Space"), and let me say that, while it is very well-written, the characters are terribly out of character!!! Everyone pretty much acts like a jerk and has their emotional reactions kicked up to a 10!!! I flipped through some pages and found that this just went on. I'm so mad at them that I just want to jump in the book and slap much of everyone across the face! Gah!!! I don't know if I'm going to continue reading this or not. Like I said, it is well-written, but terribly OOC, and that's frustrating me to the point where I can rip my hair out :p

I'm really liking the dance we're doing in dance. We did it again Monday and changed/added on some stuff. The class has gotten a lot smaller, with only my sister, another classmate, and I. I don't know where everyone else went.

Agents of Shield was at its most interesting it's ever been so far this Tuesday. It tied in a lot with The Winter Solider with double agents in Shield really working for Hydra. And (BIG SPOILER!!!) Ward helped Hydra at the end!!! I doubt they're making him evil - maybe he's a double agent - but Im really invested in it now. I'm excited for next week and hope it'll do the opposite of most shows that drop in quality :D

My mom and brother had been talking about getting me another birthday gift for a few weeks now (it's been an AGONIZING wait!), but they finally got it Wednesday!!! It's a Divergent charm bracelet with ALL five factions on it and a Divergent water bottle! I really like the water bottle and am totally in love with the charm bracelet. Amity's about the only one that looks a bit off, but all the others look almost EXACTLY like the factions. I love it. I'm gonna wear it everyday :)

So last week I posted how I was upcycling of late. Well, this week I made a bag. OUT. OF. CHIP. BAGS. Seriously, it's made out of empty chip bags! I found the project on Pinterest and then figured out how to make him from thereon. It's really easy, too! I love it :D

You guys, I forgot to tell you - one of my absolute favorite Star Wars fanfiction writers private messages me pretty much every time I review their new story!!! And I asked them for advice on my own Star Wars fanfic and they gave me some tips! It's always a smart idea to get advice from someone else's work whom you love, isn't it? Why not take tips from the master? ;)

I really need to finish editing. The good part of a second draft: You've already gotten the first idea out, so your job's easier. The bad part: Editing is not fun for me :P I have to force myself to write battle scenes because I honestly don't feel like doing it. Yeah, yeah, I know, it's Star Wars and it has to have battle scenes, but the reason I love the franchise so much is because of story, not action. I've gotten a few tips from people, though, on writing battle scenes in general, so I'll try doing that. I might force myself to watch a few and take notes. But hey, I'll get better at it that way! :)

In other writing/reading news, I'm still getting through Uglies. It is slow at some parts, and boring, especially when I compare it to my up cycling projects (which I am totally in love with :3), but when I sit down to read it it's hard to put down. Seriously, this book is really good. I love the whole idea of society becoming SO obsessed with beauty that they genetically altered people and punished anyone trying to avoid the superficial lifestyle. I think more people need to read it because it's so thought-provoking and is a cautionary tale for us, a society that already puts too much emphasis on beauty. I'm getting mind-blown on so many levels :O

Hehe, well, that's it for this week. I haven't posted anything about moving lately because I honestly don't know where we're going :/ lol. That actually reminds me, though - we're supposed to be going to either Disneyland or Great Wolf Lodge next week. I know most people would be excited, but I think I've been on too many trips and have grown a little jaded of it (I just learned what that word meant this week :) But it's all good! Ciao!!!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

April Is Here!

Like my picture? I am a HUGE fan of tap dancing. I've been doing it for about five years now, and it's probably my favorite dancing form (the only one that's next to it is modern dance ;) I actually wanted to take acro during my second year of dance, but I was too big to have a spotter so Mom suggested I tap. What's funny is that she did the same thing with duct-tape when I couldn't figure out how to work my jewelry making kit, and I love that, too. Mom's got some wisdom ;)

My Little Pony came on last Saturday, as usual. One thing that I don't like that they're doing is having one of the Main Six in an episode centered on them as opposed to all of them. I still enjoyed the episode, but I wish they had the other ponies.  I love all of them :)

Spider-Man 3 came on FX. It wasn't my favorite out of the Spider-Man Trilogy - there were too many villains in it, and the story was okay (not to mention I couldn't stand Mary Jane :P), and Tobey couldn't really pull of emo Peter, though he was funny - but I still enjoyed it. It certainly brought back memories...I still can't believe 2007 was 7 years ago--that means I was 10 7 years ago :O

I'm not sure if I'm too "old" for the KCAs or not, but I watched them (it's kind of a tradition :) I don't know why I'm not enjoying them as much, but maybe it's because I'm older. Actually, I did enjoy this one. It was better than the 2010 one (which I didn't like for some reason). Most of my nominees didn't win (Catching Fire did :) but I did't watch too many films last year, so that's to be expected :P There was also more slime this time, just like I like it. They may have put on too much slime this time, though, because the presenters were having difficulty opening them and kept talking about the slime. And of course it was all live :3

Once Upon A Time came on Sunday, as usual. I still like the show to an extent, but I'm getting tired of them constantly saying that Zelena is powerful. It's like how they kept saying Peter Pan was powerful (so far I don't dislike Zelena to the Peter Pan level, but I still don't like her :P). One of the common things I've heard said in storytelling is "show, don't tell." Regina and Rumple feel more threatening because we saw them be powerful instead of them keep telling us that. Oh, well, at least it hasn't jumped the shark completely.

We did more dance choreography Monday :) I have to wonder, though, what we're doing for the showcase at the end of the semester. I don't even know if we're having one. We did a bunch of dances (which I love), but we haven't been building up for anything. Oh, well, either way, I'm glad I danced. And I am so glad I don't have to deal with recital drama--I am so over that :P

Momma got me a Katniss Everdeen doll :) While I did enjoy The Hunger Games, she noticed that I preferred The Hunger Games (no offense to her gift--I seriously liked the doll and thought they did a really good job with her face mold.) But they didn't get Tris' face right! She looks just like Barbie :P So I'm getting an iTunes gift card instead :)

It felt weird that Switched At Birth didn't come on this week. I know I said it's okay now and jumped the shark (though it's better

Agents of Shield was better Tuesday night, but, of course, it left off in a cliffhanger :P And it looks like they're going to start doing the whole "you can't trust anyone" trope. I really hope they don't, though. I mean, a few people are okay, and it definitely makes the show interesting, but after awhile that'll get old,

Meemaw came over Wednesday.

So I finished Lizard-Man's second story Tuesday! Or "finished". I sped through a battle scene I didn't have the patience to write (I'm not a big fan of writing/reading/watching battle scenes.) And the ending didn't wrap up as resolved as I wanted it--I only need to add more words, but, once again, I felt too lazy to do so :P haha, anyway, I feel like I did a kind of bad job on this story, only because I had some writer's block every now and then and therefore skipped over parts :P But at least I got the first draft down! It's supposed to be a rough draft of the idea, anyway, so I think I did a pretty darn good job overall ;)

Since I'm done with that story (1/5 way done with all the Lizard-Man ideas I feel like I can write! :P), and I do a new story every month, I'm writing my second draft for the Star Wars fanfic I wrote February!!! In some regards the second draft is worse than the first because you have to start paying attention to little details like "grammar" and "the story making sense" :p lol, but on the other hand, the hardest part is out of the way--the coming up with the story! Now that I've got it written down, I can look back and edit at bits and pieces. I figured that I'd like at least 10 drafts of this, I think (I know, a lot--but it's a novel.) After I clean up the story and such, I'm getting someone on Fanfiction.Net to beta this brute! XD

The library book sale was Friday!!! Let me tell you something, though: it was PACKED!!! It always is, but Mom had us back in the car for awhile and was near the end of the line :O Haha, but I found some REALLY good books! I got the A New Hope and Return of The Jedi novelizations, completing my Star Wars Original and Prequel Trilogy books (YES!), Matched by Ally Condie (I have the ebook but kind of wanted the actual one), Catching Fire and Mockingjay (I have the ebook of Catching Fire and read Mockingjay via the library but wanted to complete the series), a Greek mythology book, and several writing books that both me and my Mom got to help our skills :D

Space Jam came on the same day! I'm not a big fan of it, but it was fun, and I have several childhood memories of it (my brother Manny loved it as a kid and I think he still does :D). It's amazing how many scenes I remember from it. Manny must have watched it so many times (I even remember some of the commercials on the video we had of the film.)

Well, that's it for the week. I watched My Little Pony today and played the Life board game with my family. It was, in short, intense and a heck of a lot of fun XD Ah, I love my family :D See you all next week!!!