I finished The Lost Princess last week!!! It was REALLY good! It had a mesmerizing plot, intriguing mystery, great character development, a believable romance, suspense, magic, royals, wizards...jsut about everything I could ask for in a novel :) The protagonist, Sinda, although she got on my nerves at times, was a well-rounded character who grew throughout the story - after discovering that she's not the real princess, she must find herself (and does). And her friend, Keirnan, was cool, and everyone else I liked/hated according to their role (hero or villain). The author is such a great writer - I copied down one and wanted to copy down more of her paragraphs (if I had remembered - I was so engrossed with the novel!) Overall, I really enjoy it. I think I may have written that I was gonna review it last week (or was that just in my diary?), which I did yesterday or the day before via Goodreads, so I'll copy that review and put it on the other blog during one of its weekly posts!
Momma did my hair Sunday!!! Instead of putting in the yarn braids, she put in some fake hair (lol) that she got from the beauty salon. It looked more like my real hair and had little pretty curls at the end when you boil them! I know, I know, I need to take more pictures, but I keep forgetting too! I promise I'll do it one of these days (but not today!!! Lol xD)
The MTV Awards also came on, as you probably know. After last year's giant controversy with Miley Cyrus's performance, I didn't watch this year. I looked at MTV Awards' history and it just seems like they're TRYING to start controversy sometimes! I mean, why else would there be so many controversial moments at that award show? Okay, maybe they're not purposely trying to start something, but they know it gets them in the publicity. But who am I to say what they want and don't want? And this year didn't have a lot of (if any) drama, so that's good.
I'm continuing my plant-strong diet! We're working our way towards eating less meat and possibly become ovo-lacto vegetarians! (I love that word ;) My mom likes to say a plant-strong diet so that we don't exclude meat completely and label ourselves. I really like saying ova-lacto vegetarian for some reason ;) lol, but I do get what she means. We still eat meat, but we're mainly trying to add in more vegetables and less fat from the meat. Although cheese has a surprisingly high amount of cheese (I didn't know it had any before!) so I have to lower that. But I love cheese, so I'll still eat some :D
Monday my brother AJ got a tooth pulled! I forgot to mention that, one of the days when we went to the dentist, they discovered that he had an extra tooth (something very rare and that I didn't know existed before!), and it was sharp and I think it was crowding his teeth since it wasn't supposed to be there, so he had it extracted. I should show a picture of it - that thing is POINTY!
This week was (almost) a doctor week, because Imani and Manny, my other siblings, had blood draws Tuesday to make sure everything was, you know, normal and all. I don't think they got their results back, at least not that I know of, but Momma said it usually takes a week or so for that...
Wednesday I had a followup appointment with our family doctor...You see, last month, when we had the appointment, I opened up to him about some of the personal struggles I have been through for the past years, and he wanted a followup to make sure that I wasn't suffering from depression or anything. I actually think I may have been, even though it was on the milder spectrum, but I guess I'll never really know...And I'm trying to move beyond the past. The important thing is that I'm better now and happier than I've been before. There's a quote in A Wrinkle In Time that goes something like, "I think you have to know darkness to appreciate the light", which, while it may not apply to everyone, does apply to a lot of people, including me.
Meemaw also came over that day! We started talking about some deep things like sociology, racism, sexism, then heritage...we go on tangents a LOT! But, just to clarify, I'm NOT making fun of talking about deep stuff; I hope it came across as funny. Because I really do like talking about deep things. I like brain-stimulationg conversations...I think I actually want to go into psychology in college, even though it probably won't be my major. But who knows? ;)
Ariana' Grande's album also came out that year! I didn't buy it because I didn't have the money for it at the time, but I listened to it for free on Youtube and then on Spotify. I love it; it does not disappoint. Ariana is a great singer. Some of the songs (a lot of them, actually) are R&B-ish, and I don't usually listen to slow songs during the day, but I do like them. My favorites are "Problem" (LOVE the saxophone!), "Break Free", and one that wasn't released before the album: One Last Time. It sounds familiar to me for some reason, the music does, but I don't know why...not saying that she stole it or anything, but like the thing about nothing new being under the same, I think that applied to her.
Thursday I tried a new recipe! It was a vegetarian pesto spinach cheese quesadilla! (What a mouthful!!! Lol). It was my first try, so I made a LOT of mistakes, but I was glad that I did! As my mouth said, and someone else/others have, mistakes prove that you're trying. And I was able to laugh at myself, which felt MUCH better than berating myself over making mistakes. And it didn't turn out TOO too bad, except that I burned severals...haha. But today I made them, they turned out better, and guess what? Only 1 burned! I'm getting closer ;)
Oh, and guess what happened Friday - I GOT MY LAPTOP BACK!!! (WHY DIDN'T I MAKE THAT THE TITLE OF THE BLOG POST???) Haha, but seriously, I was SO happy when I got it back - I'm typing on it now :) I didn't realize that I had written it on Twitter how much I had missed it a few times - I really did miss it! But you guys, without my laptop I couldn't access pages (Mac's version of word) as easily, where all of my STORIES are!!! I had to use my phone instead, and let me tell you, it was frustrating. I kept fat-fingeirng stuff - ugh. But I really am grateful to have both a Mac and iPhone, so even though I missed my Mac, I didn't feel deprived of anything. I'm so blessed :)
Speaking of stories, I FINISHED THE FIRST DRAFT OF WEREBEASTS THAT DAY!!! I don't even CARE that I rushed the ending or messed up continuity here and there or that it's not perfect, because NO first draft is! I hadn't finished that draft for about ONE year, but now I finally have!!! Gosh, I'm just so happy! Now, if I could just figure out how to work Lizard-Man's fifth draft...maybe I need a break from the story and should get on my Star Wars fanfictions instead, or maybe I should totally rewrite the Lizard-Man story. Who knows what'll happen? :)
I know, I know, I keep talking in caps, but I feel like it! Lately, I've felt really confident, which is a LOT better than my depressive state. But I haven't felt that bad for several days since a few months - I'm so proud of myself. Happiness is something you have to chose everyday, and I'm working towards it everyday, always. I don't know exactly why I said it, but I do hope that this inspires someone.
Demi says "Stay strong", and I was thinking of having my own little saying. Although "Never give up" basically means the same thing, I really like it. Because it basically applies to everything. I'm going to start saying that more, maybe even make it a bracelet :) Never give up! ;)