
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Happy Belated Thanksgiving!

I know it's already passed Thursday but I would just like to wish everyone a happy belated Thanksgiving!!! I hope everyone had a great holiday (I certainly did! LOL). I just thought I'd say that before I'd start moving onto my post :)

I watched the season 4 premiere of My Little Pony last week, but I didn’t see the first part! My brother told me it came on at 10:30 but it turned out that the first-parter came on at 10am! :O Ah, well, I got to see it being replayed Sunday. The show isn’t as good as it used to be, but it’s interesting enough.

I saw Catching Fire with a friend Sunday and it was really good! Of course they couldn't put everything from the book in the film, but I think they did great for what they had. The storyline's more political focus was better than the first film's more focus on survival (no shaky camera either!) Jennifer Lawrence continues to surprise me with her acting ability and almost made me cry at one point. The other cast was good, too. Overall it was a very enjoyable film and probably my favorite film to come out this year.

Dance class is fun, as usual. I don't know why, but I always pick the weird dances (it's usually a modern or contemporary style of dance). I do like weird dancing, but not so long as it's too weird, you know? Or not. Maybe I'm just rambling to myself. Whatever. Anyway, back to more interesting things

There was a tornado watch Wednesday, but other than strong winds no tornado came. I'm thankful that it didn't, but I also kind of wanted to see a tornado :) Like, I don't want to be in the vicinity in it, of course, but wouldn't it just be cool to observe it? At least I think it would be :)

My writing's improved! I've gone back to setting aside some time for me just to write and it's working :) Also, I entered in a contest for a Divergent fanfiction that I thankfully wrote awhile ago and just need to tweak now! I hope I win. And even if I don't, at least I will have gotten some traffic on my story. Only problem, though, is that I published a fanfic for the new Disney movie, Frozen, and it's gotten enough likes and follows that people want me to continue it. But I have no idea where I'm going with it! :O I even wrote a little note on the second chapter saying that I had writer's block! Ah, well, I really like my story idea, and now I feel as if I must please my audience. Lol XD

Thanksgiving was fun (and delicious! Lol!) I am loving this almost-week long (didn't get Monday off) break. So anyway, back to Thanksgiving…we've been some thanksgiving food all year round (things like turkey and rice) BUT this time we had mashed potatoes (YUM!) and mac and cheese (MMM!!!!) I am a carbavoid (made up word, meaning that I am obsessed with carbs). I don't know why! I used to be all about protein and ate loads of meat, but now I'd rather eat bread and mashed potatoes and mac and chess! I've flipped! XD Hehe, anyway, I just loved the break and the food. And being thankful, of course, for everything I have, but I also try to be thankful everyday :)

So my weekend started Tuesday :) My brother Manny got college off for the rest of the week, so so did the rest of us homeschoolers :) I'm so loving this week and I really really really really really don't want it to end, but I know that tomorrow's Sunday and that after that I have to go back to school. Wah :P But whatever, I'm going to have a positive outlook on this. I already get the weekends off, and I've pretty much gotten the whole week off (except for Monday). That's a much bigger break than I'm used to! :) Bye!!!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

What Goes On In My Brain

Here are just some random things that have been swirling in my brain lately:

I just love relaxing on the weekends you know? Playing Lego Marvel Superheroes, watching television, catching up on some writing…yeah, it's the life :) I just love my weekends so much. I mean, it's not as if I don't enjoy my other days--I love everyday of my life, or at least want to--but weekends are just nice to unwind. I'm sure gonna enjoy the Thanksgiving break I'm getting, along with the Christmas and New Year's Eve one! :)

Speaking of Christmas, am I the only one getting tired of its commercialism? I mean, it's not even Thanksgiving yet and people are already going Christmas shopping! We can't just skip that holiday! And not to mention I saw Christmas decoration out back in October! I suppose they have to advertise to make money, though. I just feel like Christmas is eclipsing the other holidays sometimes, but whatever...

Ah man, last week's episode of OUAT had a nail-biting ending! *SPOILER ALERT* Peter Pan's Rumple's dad (kinda saw that coming, but it's still creepy O_O), Henry dies, and now I have to wait TWO weeks for the finale! STUPID MUSIC AWARD! WHY DO YOU HAVE TO COME ON SUNDAY??? Okay I'm done :) Even though the show's not as good as it used to be (I hate how it's common for shows to drop in quality instead of the other way around! :P), it's still a good show. And it beats just about everything else that I'm watching on television right now (which isn't much, bear in mind--not to mention My Little Pony's on about the same level as it).

So Monday was football night. I don't watch sports, but I had a good time as my family. One word: food. Party platters, shrimp, cheese, was SO good! I'll just go watch a game so that I can eat the delicious food :D

I'm really liking the dance we're doing in my class. The teacher introduces us to random choreography every two weeks or so, and this is probably my favorite. It's also because I like that song (it's called "Not The End Of Me"--I've never heard it until now and I really like it). The dancing's kind of lyrical, so I think that's why I like it. 

Oh, and finally spoke to someone at my dance class! Anyone who knows me knows that I'm shy, so that was a step up for me :) And this is kind of off-topic, but I think one of my friends knows one of my classmates. I say this because the guy in my class goes to the same high school as my other friend, and on my other friend's FB wall I say a friend of hers say the guys name. It really is a small word! :)

I cut my hair the other day! I'm really gonna have to get used to it, because it seems weird wearing it like this now. But I like it :) It's nice to have a new look once in awhile. I used to be all about long hair, but short hair is cute, too! 

I invited a friend to see "Catching Fire" Sunday. I hope it'll be good. I refuse to look at reviews before I see it so that I don't have preconceived ideas about it and can evaluate the film for myself. I think that's why I didn't like "The Dark World" as much (though it was an enjoyable). And anyway, it's an excuse to see the friend again :)

OMG MLP SEASON 4 IS ABOUT TO COME ON!!! I know season 3's not as good as season 1 & 2 were but gosh, I still enjoy that show :) I've missed it and have been complaining about it only having 13 freakin- episodes last season! But I'm worried, too! What if this season is really bad? What if they put such an emphasis on Princess Twilight (I really don't like that -_-) and make ALL of the Man Six princesses (NOOOO!!!!) Ah, well, I guess I'll just have to see at 10am today! ;)


Saturday, November 16, 2013

Other Things

Hi, guys! I haven't been feeling 100% this week (I got a cold--yuck :P) but thankfully I'm well enough to blog! I hate being sick, though :P. See, this is why I don't like winter. People tend to get sick more during this awfully cold season! Summer is soooo much better!!!! But whatever about my season love-hate…What was I gonna talk about today? Oh, yeah. Stuff going on in my life.

Once Upon A Time is getting better again! We finally get to see what the characters in Storybrooke are doing! It was starting not to feel like an ensemble cast. They're still spending too much time in Neverland and trying to force the Hook, Emma, Neal love triangle, Neal and Emma have no chemistry, but the story lines are getting more interesting! Ariel is awesome, and Peter Pan annoys me and intrigues me at the same time ;)

I just LOVE misheard lyrics--they're so funny! They're even better than the actual lyrics, in the way! So I spent Tuesday looking them up and composing a list of misheard lyrics from my song library and putting them in iMovie :)

Ugh my writer's block is SO bad right now :P Once again I think it's because I haven't been reading a lot as of late. I mean I have a book on how to write, but what I also need is some fiction books to red. Problem is, I can't find a good book! I REALLY want to read Prodigy, the sequel to the Legend Trilogy, but I don't have any money and my library currently doesn't have it, I was disappointed in Allegiant, and so far I haven't seen anything really interesting in my own home library. But I'm probably going to finish one of the Young Royals novels, the one about Anne Boleyn (did I mentioned that I was obsessed with the Tudors and King Henry VIII's wives?)--at least that book was sort of interesting. And then there's Stuart Little--I loved Charlotte's Web so I'm hoping I'll like that one, too.

Speaking of the book on how to write (titled "So You Wanna Be A Writer?"), I really like that book. It's heard towards teen writers like me and has some great advice! I don't have money, as I mentioned above, but I would love to buy it. As of now I have already rented it twice from the library, just to show my love for it :) But I REALLY NEED THAT BOOK!!! IT'S THE KEY TO WRITING A GOOD STORY!!!!

Pixlr is an awesome photo editing program! I used it to make all of these "fan arts" for my characters.
You like? :) These are for my characters in Werebeasts. I always find that visualizing what my characters look like (by say, getting photos of people who look like them or drawing a picture of them) help me and the reader get a better idea on how they look :D

Speaking of Werebeasts, I've been so excited about this project. I've been working on it for about two years (no joke) and it's gone through several changes, but I just love the idea so much that I HAVE to run with it. Werewolves, weretigers, and all of those other 'were" creatures as mutants? I don't wanna brag, but isn't that pretty unique? :) Hopefully it'll make it for the not-so original parts of the story (*cough cough* Teen Wolf rip off *cough cough*)

Okay, so remember when I got all excited about that library event for The Hunger Games film? Turns out that they're only showing the FIRST Hunger Games film, not the second :( I really shouldn't be disappointed, though; as my mom pointed out, it's highly unlikely that a library would get early access to a film that won't come out for another week or so. Oh well. At least they had some games and showed a movie that I liked for free!

So I went to THG event at the library Friday, but hardly anyone was there! :O They came later, but I think they weren't there earlier because of the time (it was at 3pm). Also, I had to leave after 3-ish (or chose to, after my volunteering hours were over), so I didn't get to stay :( But what I saw was cool. They had this lady showing us some weapons they may have used in THG and showed us how an air rifle worked. It was pretty cool. I wished I had stayed to see the longbow, Katniss' signature weapon, but what I saw was cool :)

Well, that's it for this week (why do I always end my post off like this?) BYEEEEE!!!!!!!!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Movies And More

Hiya, guys! Let me first just say that I'm so glad Daylight Savings Time is over! I got up a whole hour earlier on Sunday. It was really nice :) But anyway, that's not what I was hear to talk about. I came to talk about what's been happening in my life lately! :D

Really loving the Lego Marvel Superheroes game! It is so much fun! :D It does have its flaws (hard to navigate at times, not enough levels, some characters could be given better powers), but overall I love it. It's probably my second favorite Lego game (right after Lego Star Wars and then Lego Batman 2). Lego makes such awesome games :D

Once again I had loads of fun in dance class :) My classmates are really cool and I tried to look them up on Facebook but couldn't find them (don't know their last names :P). But the sister of the girl I'm friends with (who's also in my class) friended me, so that was nice :)

When I went to the library Tuesday one of the workers there gave me some flyer about a movie event for The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, next Friday. I'm not even that big of a The Hunger Games fan and I was excited: they're giving out prizes and having people dressed up and our showing the film in the evening. The thing is that many of the library events are free, and this one must be if they didn't list a price. Plus, the Catching Fire movie doesn't come out until November 22. So does that mean that I can watch a film I possibly wanted to see a week earlier for free? It seems way too good to be true :)

So Amber's birthday was Wednesday! She turned 11. Dad took her out for breakfast while the rest of us stayed home to make birthday cards. And then we got Jimmy John's for lunch :) My family always takes off (or at least tries to) our birthdays as a holiday, but I usually try to do work. Unless the day lands on a Friday, of course, and--quite honestly--I did less work today because I love taking days off! XD So anyway, I think she had a good day :)

So I keep seeing things about NaNoWriMo and really like the idea, but I can't do it. I'm in the midst of editing a novel and already have too many story ideas as it stands already. But maybe I'll do it next month. I really love the idea of trying to write a novel within a month, without worrying about structure, plot, characters, or whatever else. That's how all first drafts of stories should be :)

I watched Thor: The Dark World on Friday. Unfortunate, I was somewhat disappointed in it. It wasn't as good as the first film (notably the storyline and villain) and I was hoping that it would improve on the first one (which was good but could have been better). But Thor 2 wasn't a bad film, and Loki was in it--need I say more? :)

So I just got on Tumblr..not exactly sure how everything works :P I'm sure it won't be hard to figure out, though. The main reason I got on was due to his popularity, and some of my friends like it, too. I'm just going to try a bunch of social networking websites to see which ones I like. I'm already on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, Google+, and I can't remember what else, if there's anything, but I'm just getting social networking-savvy ;)

Well, that's it for today! See you guys later!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

October And November Stuff

Hiya! I know I didn't do a weekly update last week, but that was for two reasons: the first being that
I wanted to move over some of my blog posts from my deleted blog (NerdOutlet) over here, and the second being that I hand't jotted down much for this week due to laziness :P Nevertheless, I will log down what I have been up to of late :)

Guys, it's gotten so cold lately! I just hate it :( I like autumn--it's not hot like summer but not as cold as winter-but lately it's been FREEZING COLD outside! I wake up in the morning feeling like I'm in the North Pole. I want my warm weather back, now! :(

Once Upon A Time needs to stop spending so much time in Neverland! Once again Henry has been captured and Emma must team up with Regina and others to save him…this just happened in season one, guys! I love this show, but this season is definitely lacking :P Hopefully the Ariel episode will be better.

It's almost time for "Thor 2" to come out! I have to admit that I'm upset that this film is going to be as long as the first one was--that was the biggest problem with the first movie: IT WAS TOO SHORT!!! THERE WASN'T ENOUGH TIME FOR CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!!!! WHEN WILL THE WRITERS UNDERSTAND THAT???!!!! Okay, I'm done. Still excited for the film, and I do believe it will be enjoyable (the first one was), but seriously, writers, make it longer! Or at least don't shove so much in this short 2-hour film and make it feel so rushed! Ugh :P

Okay, so I have dance class on Mondays at six, but it's so far away from where I live that I have to leave the house around twenty past five. Traffic is HORRIBLE there. You can see rows and rows of cars there and it's like MOVE PLEASE! TURN GREEN, TRAFFIC LIGHT! Ugh, I hate itut it's totally worth it to go to the wonderful contemporary class that I have :)

I am soo disappointed in Allegiant :( The beginning makes no sense and from thereon it just feels clunky. It did have some good parts, and it was a good book, but not the book I would have wanted for the last book in the series. And my brother found out the ending and told me, and I have very mixed feelings. Oh least the book is good.

I played Lego Marvel Superheroes this week, and it was AWESOME!!! You get to be so many famous characters (i.e. The Avengers, Spider-Man, Fantastic Four) and they made them have really cool abilities! It's one of my favorite Lego games since Star Wars and Batman 2: DC Superheroes! :D

I voted on the Youtube VMAS. I'm not extremely enthusiastic, but it seemed interesting enough for me to vote. It's kind of cool how Youtube's having their own music video awards--I guess they realized how popular music is on their website.

A few days ago I had a revelation that Werebeasts, a story I have been working on and love, is too similar to Teen Wolf! I haven't even watched Teen Wolf but I know that I have read up about it on Wikipedia--I must have been stealing ideas from it without thinking! I won't drastically change it--I refuse to--but I do need to change parts of it. Ugh :P It's just like how I made Lizard-Man a ripoff of Spider-Man… *sighs*

We had this really NASTY water leak in my parent's closet Wednesday. It's so disgusting but I just had to share it:

Yes, this is a water leak. It looks more like something out of a horror film, though...But thankfully the plumber came and fixed it. I still can't stare at the picture--I know that it's not some sort of weird creature, but it makes my skin crawl! O_O

Well, I don't celebrate Halloween, but the kids in the neighborhood were going to come over to our house. We didn't have candy, so we turned off the lights downstairs so that they think no one's there. Hehe. No one came over like they did other times, though, so we were safe XD

I've been busy making covers for some of my books, and I've had loads of fun! I found this software company, Pixlr! It's SO good and the best thing is that it's free! The top one is for a story idea I haven't actually written yet (really, Fairley?) but the one on the bottom is for the lovely Werebeasts story I've been talking about recently.

Well, that's it for this week. I have to do a math test today since I didn't do it yesterday (needed to do some extra work practice--ugh!) and then I'm going to catch up on some writing and maybe watch something on Netflix. Oh, and I'll have to play Lego Marvel Heroes again, of course :) Bye!