
Saturday, October 25, 2014

End of October

Close to the end of August, at least. Sorry it took FORVER for me to get this post out, but I'm getting tired of copying down my stuff from my diary and writing it on here :P I think I'll have to remember to write something in the draft of my blog posts daily so it won't be so much at the end of a week xD I have 2 other blogs, so maybe I have too many...I may not post on others every week, but I want to post on this one at least once a week.

Once Upon A Time was so good last week! At first I was concerned that it'd maybe mainly be about Hook and Emma's date, but it was certainly not! Hook getting his old hand back from Rumple to replace his hook (so he was just Captain Killeen, I guess xD) and then Rumple saying that it'd make him act like his old bad self and he did - but wait, Rumple said it was always in him and that the hand just made it more tempting for him - it was just, I don't know...I love seeing Rumple and Hook go out it again. They're going back to their old rivalry, with Hook threatening to kill Belle and Rumple doing the same (ooh! *eats popcorn like a crazy fangirl*) And Rumple wanted something that would make him free of the dagger and basically be invincible. And of course, there's Regina trying to get her happy ending back with Robin Hood. And Henry's working undercover with Rumple kinda like the Sorcerer's Apprentice xD Honestly, these story arcs are more interesting than the Frozen one. But I'm glad Frozen isn't eclipsing the other ones so far. Can't wait to see what the Snow Queen wants with Emma and Elsa this week!

I've gotten better at my writing, as all writers do! :) But reading well-written books (which is relative, of course) really helps. The Mortal Instruments was INCREDIBLY well-written. The book I'm reading right now is well-written, too, which is why I'm really enjoying it even if the story isn't as interesting to me (but it's still interesting, of course!)

Which brings me to The One, the last book in the Selection series by Kiera Cass! I think this may be the best Selection book yet. The other ones were more romance heavy than politics, which I didn't like as much, but The Elite was more about politics, AND Maxon had more personality, and now this book is delving into the politics even more! And America finally seems to be making up her mind about who she wants to be with! Yes! (I used to ship her and Aspen in the first book, but ever since Maxon got more interesting, I ship them together instead :)

Getting back to writing, though, as you know (I think), I'm doing NaNoWriMo this year! But I feel a little unprepared! :O Well, not totally...I've been working on this story a couple of years ago - mind you, it's had a LOT of reconstructions/deconstructions along the way - and I've written at least two outlines, and I'm attached to the characters (which is always good, cause I won't write the story otherwise xD), so I kind of have a direction that I can see. Like, I know what the theme is, and that's gonna drive my story - that was the main problem with my other ones. Anyway, I hooked up with some buddies from Movellas and we're buddies now on Movellas, so it's cool knowing people. Like this summer, when I did Camp NaNoWriMo, I knew a few people from Figment on there and they invited me to their "cabin", so that was cool. And what's a better motivator than friends who are as passionate as you are about a thing? :)

I'm sure there's more, but I'm really, surprisingly, tired right now :/ I know, it's only a quarter till nine, but I'm kind of exhausted...I have been trying to go to bed earlier today, so that could be part of the reason. And maybe I'm mentally drained for playing Animal Crossing like, all day xD Anyway, I hope this blog post wasn't too unexciting...I promise next week's will be. I'm just tired, y'all. Later!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

What Have I Been Doing Lately...

Can I just take a moment to fangirl? It's my blog; I can post whatever I want, right? xD Yeah, let me just fangirl a moment. Because Matthew Stover's (I think I spelled his last name incorrect last's not Stofer, it's Stover) novelization of Revenge of The Sith is so GREAT and is just giving me chills! I mean, I've seen the movie about 3 times, read the summary on Wikipedia and Wookieepedia, read the screenplay, read the junior novelization, but this...they are all great, of course, but Stover's writing is just blowing me away. Like J.K. Rowling mind-blowing (that's right, I went there!) Empire Strikes Back is kinda like that, too, cause I get chills while reading its junior novelization (imagine how its other novelization must be???) even though I knew exactly what was going to happen! That's a sign of a very good writer and story.

Anyway, I hope it helps with my writing skills (it definitely is, if I say so myself! I feel like I've got all of these amazing phrases that cam out of nowhere!) And I'm DYING to use my newly-aquired information from the novelization for my fanfics, but I don't know where to put 'em! I guess I'll wait until I finish reading it and then rereading it...I did something like that last time and so far it's worked...

That paragraph was getting WAY too long, so sorry about that xD Um, I didn't write down what I thought about Once Upon A Time's episode last week. Come to think of it, I had a hard time remembering what happened...But I still liked it. I do remember some of it when I think over it more...The Snow Queen (I love seeing the actress who played Juliet from Lost back on television :D) freezing Marion (but why not Robin Hood? He ate the ice-cream, too) and everyone thinking it was Elsa but it really wasn't. Ooh, and there was this epic moment where Emma used her magic against the Snow Queen...I LOVE seeing her use her magic. It's so cool! :D Anyway, at the end we saw Rumple talking to her...Seriously, he's like that one guy who knows everyone, if you know what I mean. It's actually quite hilarious xD

Anyway, I wonder what's gonna happen next week...the Frozen arc is going pretty well, so far. I mean, I don't like how they're probably gonna make the characters oneshots - I want more long-lasting characters - but we'll see. But Elsa...I don't know if it's the actress or the way the character was written for the show, but she seems obsessed with Anna, almost. My sister pointed out that she seems to love Anna even more than Kristoff does! :O And she seemed to like Kristoff, too! It's kinda weird...Maybe it's because Elsa gets WAY too emotional with people...Like seriously, freezing an entire town just because you can't find your sister? Okay, lady....Wasn't that the whole thing that got you in trouble in the first film? xD

I keep feeling like I should do NaNoWriMo this year! I already did CampNaNoWriMo, but that was 30,000 words for me - I'm pretty sure you have to do 50,000 words for NNWM, since that's about the word minimum for most novels. I don't know...I think I'll do it. Or at least try (Yoda would be saying "Do or not not. There is no try" right about now xD) I'll probably enter my Werebeasts story; even though I've had Star Wars on the brain since I started reading the Revenge of The Sith novelization, but, depending on when I finish it, I'll have time to rewrite my SW fanfics before I start on Werebeasts. We'll see! :D

I'm sure there's more to write, but I don't feel like it...right now, at least. Maybe I'll update this post later :) I just filled up my journal in one notebook, so I'll have to use another one now. I can't wait until My Little Pony comes back on. Maybe I should watch Saturday morning cartoons today. I know, this was random ;) Bye!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

The "Ber" Months

September, October, November, see where I'm going with this? I'm pretty sure I posted that last year, but I forgot. And I wanted to do it now. I wonder if the people naming the months got tired of giving the months different names and decided to keep the last part of the last four months the same xD Anyway...

What happened this week? I'll probably do my usual routine; talk about my TV shows first from last week (since they're earlier in the week), my writing, maybe some stuff about dancing, my current/ past know the drill ;)

Once Upon A Time was good this week. Not great, but good (has it only been two episodes? It feels like it's been longer). I don't know why they decided to make Bo Peep evil (like with Peter Pan) - maybe it was because it was so out there that Bo Peep would be evil - but I could have done without that storyline. But I did like how Anna was helping David/Charming. I just love the way the writers and actress are portraying the character. I actually thought I preferred Elsa, but that may just be movie Elsa (although I still do like Anna!) This Elsa seems too emotionally unstable for my liking -freezing the whole town until she can find her sister? - and I guess I just preferred her in the film (which I haven't seen, I know). But it was still a good episode. I loved how Emma and Elsa look to be starting a sistermance, and I'm liking the CaptainSwan shipping more now that Hook isn't lovey-dovey about Emma as much anymore. And Juliet from Lost is gonna be on tomorrow! I guess that's what happens when writers from one show move to another xD I so want her and Belle (Claire on Lost) to meet...

I don't really remember what happened Monday, so let's talk about my writing instead! I still feel like I'm in a bit of a dump, but at least now I've identified my problem! I can't imagine changing my old stories into fantasy, so I may just write a completely different story...I honestly don't really want to do that, though, so maybe I'll try looking out for some cool sci-fi YA novels in the genres of superheroes, mutants, dystopians, etc. Dystopians are kinda violent, so I'm not sure if I want to do them as much anymore...I mean, I loved Divergent, but it's just too violent for me. (The Mortal Instruments is, too, which is why I may be done with it now...) Perhaps I'll write a milder dystopian with little to no violence, like The Giver and Matched are. Sorry,  I'm getting a bit off-topic...

Speaking of writing and reading, I finished City of Glass today!!! It didn't exactly feel like the ending to a series; like the previous books, the plot is fairly overstuffed and complicated at times. But I juts love most of the characters - that's what makes the story so great - and Cassandra Clare is an incredible writer. She writes battle scenes like no one I've ever seen so far - I can literally picture them in my head! Anyway, I felt like the story could have had less plot points and have been more about ending a particular storyline, but I still really enjoyed it. The ending was great and pretty perfect, too, so that was good. I'm not sure I'm interested in reading the others because of what I mentioned earlier; plus, it's more about Simon than Clary. But I may. I dunno...Either way, I ended a great book series, and, while I'll certainly miss it, it was a great ride while it lasted :) And I can always read it again if I want to! :D

I actually am considering rereading the Harry Potter series again...that book is gold, pure magic. After reading about J.K. Rowling's struggles and rise to success in a sort-of biography of hers that I'm reading, it makes me appreciate the story even more. She started writing since she was very young and stuck to it, no matter what. I just love her enthusiasm and want to do the same. Those kinds of people really inspire me...

Ah, before I get off-subect even more, let me expound on what I was saying earlier: I want to reread the Harry Potter series, because - aside from it being great - I've recently begun copying samples of writing from my favorite books to see if I can come up with a similarly-unqiue phrase. Not ripping of their writing, of course, but seeing if I can sound as distinctive as they do. As I wrote in the past, I'm already doing this with the Mortal Instruments series - why not do it with "the best book series of all time!"? Bwhahaha xD I may not reread the entire thing, but bits and pieces and chapters of it. But once I read it, I may not be able to stop. That world can really suck you in...

The Agents of Shield show came on again Tuesday, and it was...okay. I know I keep saying that, and you may be wondering why I keep watching a TV series that I think is just so-so, but let me explain: I felt like this series had SO much potential! I mean, how cool would it had been to see SHIELD agents from the comics and Coulsion and Maria Hill working in SHIELD? I really wanted to see the inner workings of SHIELD, but I felt like I didn't really get to in the series. We didn't see many other agents of SHIELD during the first season, aside from Coulsion's team, which made them feel just as separate (if not more) from SHIELD than they are now :/ I just wanted this show to be must-see TV, and it's not, really. But it's okay, and some episodes are pretty good. Oh, well. I'll keep watching it, anyway, because it's entertaining enough :)

In other news, I've been Animal Crossing-obsessed...again. It's just that we've been blessed to be able to get so many games - and that was one of them! I know it can get boring sometimes, but that's most games, right? And I like having it on the Gamecube because it's my favorite Animal Crossing game so far (I haven't gotten New Leaf yet, since I don't have a 3DS, so I'll have to compare the two later), and we have more than one memories card, so we have a few AC datas xD Only four people can live in one town, and there are at least six of us playing, so of course we needed some more data. And for the rest of the memory cards...well, they're just for fun experiments with different towns xD I love Animal Crossing, man =)

I'm still debating whether or not to join one of my town's dance studios' companies - that is, if I'm accepted, of course. I think I will, not to be arrogant or anything, but it's a tap company that I'm looking at and I love tap. When you love something passionately, or just really enjoyed it, you know, you tend to excel in that thing :) Anyway, my mom pointed out that companies would be traveling, which I'm not sure I'd like too much. But there are more performance opportunities. I don't know. I definitely want to try out for it, and I may do the traveling for a little while and then stop. But hey, why not try it? I may like it :)

I feel like I have more to say, but I don't feel like writing more :P lol. I'm kinda tired, to be honest...I stayed up way too late last night playing Mario Superstar Baseball with my siblings. But it was all worth it xD Man, times like these make me miss the Gamecube - at least I'm still able to use its games :) I miss Saturday morning cartoons, too, which reminded me - I was supposed to be watching some earlier today, you know, in the morning, but I forgot to xD I suddenly had an irking to re-watch Danny Phantom...that show was pretty good. Anyway, that's it for this week! Ciao!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Late September/Early October

Once Upon A Time's season four premiere was pretty good last week! While it may have been a little too early to introduce Frozen (I've still not seen the movie yet), the storyline and plots weren't really focused on the movie - it was more about the original Oncers we've grown to care about. I love how we saw more of Rumplestilskin (who was definitely lacking in season 3, especially when the WWOW arc rolled around). Regina's storyline is probably the most interesting :) Anyway, I posted a review for it here.

Something strange happened Tuesday night...Paramore's song, "Fences", was playing in my dream (I don't actually remember much of the dream itself xD), and I feel like I kinda understand the lyrics now! How weird! Anyway, I just thought it was interesting.

Speaking of Tuesday night, I watched Agents of Shield this week. It was...okay. I think I preferred last week's episode. Actually, I wasn't really paying attention to this episode as much as I did to last week's - I was guilty playing Animal Crossing: Wild World xD I'll pay attention last time, but I hope it'll be better. It's still decent entertainment, though, so that's good.

My younger sibling may be playing basketball this year. It's at a church and they were asking for volunteers, so I was thinking about doing that. Volunteering is fun for me. I love helping people out :) Plus, I think I'd be working at the concession stand. What's better than working with food? xD

Wednesday was the first of October! I can't believe it's October already! And it's definitely getting colder. Brr!!! This year has been long, but, at the same time, it hasn't. January and the earlier months feel like they were lightyears away, yet I can't believe that it'll be 2015 in less than two months!!! You know what I mean?

I think I may have written this last week, but I'm going to try and get back into dance :) I just love performing so much and dancing in general and I'm starting to realize that I miss it. With dance, I can truly just let go of myself and everything around me. It's kind of like writing, but writing's more of a way for me to express myself whereas dance has me lose myself. And my grandma wants me to check out this dance class she's going to be at, but it's on the same day as the dance class I want to take at the studio I went to last year, so I'll have to figure all that out...

Friday was bu-sy! My brother got out of college that day because he has a brief (like one day) fall break starting from yesterday through Sunday. So it's basically a 3-day weekend for me! It would have been, at least, if so much hadn't happened yesterday xD

I don't think I've ever mentioned this a lot, but I have a big family (I just say that based on what others have said). There are 8 children, totaling to 10 people in the family. So dentist appointments with us, like yesterday, took up a lot of the day/afternoon. My older sister had an appointment for a filing first; then I had an appointment for a filing as well; then my mom had a cleaning; and then my older brother had an appointment. And everyone in the family had to come because the older ones of us all had appointments, leaving no one to watch the youngsters, so it was a VERY busy day!

My tooth was and still is sore!!! x( My sister said hers wasn't really, but I know my brother felt it because he had four filings or so!!! And my mouth had this horrible metal-ish taste or something in my mouth from all the cleaning :P I had to take some ibuprofen for it, because I like to eat, as I think you may know, and chew gum, so a slightly sore mouth was not going to get in the way of that!!! xD (Lol, I really just took it cause it hurt. And it still hurts, even though it's less painful, now...)

Anyway, enough of me and my dental pain xD Not all of it was bad! We went to the library for a little while (though I got SO many books from the book sale that I didn't check any out) and Chick-Fil-Aw was for lunch (YUM!!!) Plus, we basically had the day off, which I loved, although I spent a good deal laying down in the not-really-sleepy-but-tired state xD But I did get some reading of City of Glass in (love the Mortal Instruments series so far!) and I did write in my diary and played the games (I am on a Mario obsession ride right now xD) And we had Dominos for dinner!!! How awesome is that??? :)

BUT THE BEST PART WAS WHEN THE REVENGE OF THE SITH NOVELIZATION ARRIVED  BECAUSE IT'S JUST SO AWESOME I CAN'T EVEN!!! I'm in the middle of reading City of Glass, which is also VERY good, but I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to read the Star Wars novel!!! But I don't like stopping in the middle of the book unless there's something more interesting to read. I may just return The Summoning book I got from the library.

But I'll probably finish COG early this month, and I'd rather read the Star Wars novel when I'm not doing NaNoWriMo - if I do it, of course. The story I'm planning on entering in that is not a Star Wars fanfic, so I think that reading Star Wars whilst I'm writing about a mutant werewolf may throw off my writing xD But if I write my Star Wars fanfic the next month, maybe it'll work out better....

Sorry, I'm talking to myself xD Anyway, I just realized that before you write a story you have to do something called research! xD But I don't feel like researching  :/ Maybe I can try to make it interesting...I want my story to be realistic, in a way (how realistic is a story with humans mutated into werewolf-esque mutates?) since it is science-fiction (hence the science part), and I suppose my research doesn't have to be too in-depth. I want to do work on this, of course, but it has to be fun and enjoyable in general, because, if it isn't, I'll drop it in a hot second xD

This story has a lot of kinks to work out,'s a lot of work, but I really love this idea. I love werewolves and wolves, and I love this idea I have because I feel like it's pretty original and it just interest me. I saw a quote mentioning that you should write the story you want to read, and that's exactly what I'm doing with this one :D

Going back to Star Wars, I have to watch my, er, obsession with it...not only did my book come in, but Rebels came on last night, and it was good! I still have to get a feel for the characters, you know, since it's only been one episode, but it definitely piqued my interest enough. I wished they wold use characters from the EU who were originally in the Rebellion, or like some of the other minor characters mentioned in the Original Trilogy as being part of the Rebellion, but I don't mind these new kids. And they have some of the old OT characters being mentioned/seen at least in the first episode. I liked the vibe it had; I think I know what other people meant when they said that it held the vibe of the OT. I don't know why I got this feeling...perhaps I felt a disturbance in the Force xD (I've always wanted to say that!!!)

Um, that's all I can think of - for now. I'm currently writing on my blog (of course xD) while I'm watching my brother play Mario Kart Wii on freaking Rainbow Road and winning! If you play Mario Kart, you'll know that's a big deal! For those who don't, just ignore this, as I'm sure you'll probably do! Anyway, here's a preview for next week's probably blog post: I'll write about Once Upon A Time and Agents of Shield again (plus give a review for Star Wars: Rebels premiere and post it next week), talk about dance, maybe volunteer at the library, and basketball will start sometime in November, I think?, so I'll write about that not too long afterwards. See ya later!!!