I don't feel like I have a lot to write today, but I want to write something because I missed yesterday (sorry about that :P) I honestly feel like I haven't been doing much...that story (fanfiction) I mentioned I was avoiding I'm finally looking at again! So yay!!! I love the quote that goes along the lines of "You have to write the story that wants to be written." And this one wants to be written :)
Um, I'm going to be graduating soon, so that's exciting! What's funny is that my older brother will also be graduating from community college, so we're both graduating this year :D I was thinking I could borrow his graduation gown (he got it yesterday) and were it whenever I graduate xD
Oh, and if you haven't heard, the AWESOME trailer for the new Star Wars movie came out a little over a week ago. I spammed my Tumblr and Facebook and Twitter and pretty much every other social media platform I'm on with it xD Seriously, though, it's SOOO good. I loved it. Makes me so excited for the movie. Too bad I have to wait until December :P
Well, at least I'll have Age of Ultron to watch in the meantime :) I'm pretty sure it's coming out next Friday. I heard it's going to be darker, so I just hope it doesn't get too dark. Like, I've enjoyed mature/ dark movies in the past but sometimes it seems like it's just unnecessary, if that makes sense. But anyway, I could be totally wrong, and I know we're going to see it anyway because my brother's obsessed with it xD Lol, I want to watch it too, though, just his excitement is about the same level as my excitement for the new Star Wars movie :D
I've been getting into coloring. It was something I kind of did on and off but now I'm doing it more regularly. I mentioned before when I was depressed that I lost interest in things, but now I'm more willing to try things and I'm kind of "making" myself try new things to see what interests me. And I really love coloring. I just love the colors; it brings the drawing to life. It's very fulfilling for me :)
Something similar to coloring that I've been doing is drawing. I used to do it a lot as a kid. I feel like I get more of a joy out of coloring but I still like it -especially when I draw a picture and then color it ;) I read some interesting studies saying that doodling actually helps you pay attention in class, so it's something I've been trying when I listen to my lectures. It's pretty relaxing and I love to just let loose and draw whatever the heck I want. I guess doodling's like freewriting - you just draw/write, not caring if it makes sense or is "good" or "bad". Anyway, it's not hindering my ability to study, not totally, anyone, so I'm going to keep doing it :)
Dancing is something I've gotten back into recently. I think part of the reason I didn't enjoy it as much is because it made me feel good but my depression was like "You can't enjoy anything because you don't deserve to be happy." Like, no. I'm going to start ignoring that voice. I'm already talking back to them. Getting back on the subject of dance, I've been looking at tutorials on how to do certain dance moves that people did in music videos and such. It's really fun. I don't know what style of dancing it is but I like it. I think I just like to be challenged, too, so I need new stuff to get back to now and again. Hopefully when things settle (we have a lot going on right now) I can get back int dance class if I want to.
Whoa, that did turn out longer than I thought! Cool! Anyway, so that's been what's been happening lately. I'm really looking forward to college and I think a part of me just wants to be done with high school to get to it. But I want to enjoy my last high school years. Moments go by so fast and I want to enjoy it so I won't wished I had :) See you next week (hopefully!!!)
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