Hehe, I just wanted a sort of funny title for this blog post ;). Anyway, it's June! Summer isn't too far from now, and the weather is certainly summer-ish! Seventy-five degrees, eighty degrees...heck, even some of my friends have gone to the beach in May!
I am very excited for summer, as always. For one thing-I have no math this summer!!! WHOHOO!!! I'm not sure if I should do some work or not (I'll probably ask Mom on that one), because-as I mentioned in another post-I feel lazy doing absolutely nothing. One thing I thought would be cool if I started reading up on making/managing money. It's been an interest in mine, and it would certainly help me in the future! At one point I had thought about getting a summer job, but that sounds too boring to me :P But this seems like a nice substitute almost.
I am also excited for summer because summer=beach!!! I LOVE going to the beach-walking in the water, running across the sand, collecting seashells...and it's so relaxing! Sometimes when I come home from the beach, I actually feel sleepy! My Mom said she read somewhere that the beach relaxes you so this is probably why it happened. Ah, how I long for the beach...I can picture myself there right now...
But besides that, I want to log what's happened so far this week. Saturday was the start of June, of course, so that was a big difference-gosh, I can't believe half of the year is already over! Didn't we just start 2013? When I think about it, I've been 16 for two months...that can't be possible! And then I think about how close we are to 2014, and then I'll be 17, and I'll be 18 in 2015...yeah, once I get this far I usually stop. Lol XD
Okay, so this happened over last week but...I am obsessed with Star Wars again. Or obsessing over it. As Manny, a long-time nerd, once said, obsessions don't go away-they just get dampened down. And that's true. As SOON as I read good Star Wars fanfictions, I started getting into it more. It's gotten to the point where I think about it in my sleep-I'm dead serious. I daydream about it. I swear, when I went out on June 2 I saw a guy who I claimed looked like George Lucas...,I have a burning desire to write a fanfiction of my own-really. But honestly, it's not too bad...I mean, if I was obsessing over it so much I couldn't do anything else, then yeah, that'd be a problem. And I'm feeling really inspired by the story...like I said on another post, I won't delve into that because I may bore some of you guys :P. So I'll write it on my Nerd Outlet one of these days ;)
On Sunday we had TWO birthdays! Bradley, the fourth child in the family, turned 13 (whoop whoop! Finally a teenager! XD)-and Ajani, the seventh child in the family, turned 6! It's really funny-when we sing "Happy Birthday" we have to squeeze two names in there! I guess it's like if you had twins :D. It was so ironic when Aj was born on Brad's 7th birthday...hehe...
So anyway, we went to Golden Corral for breakfast/lunch because Aj wanted to. Mmm, the food was goooood....Hehe, so afterwards we went to Toys R Us (I LOVE going there, even if I don't buy anything...hehe, I'm still a kid :D). Aj got some action figures, I think (figures...lol) and Brad got a lego set (he's the lego maniac in the family :D). And then we went to Big Lots-wow, they have a lot of stuff there and it's cheaper than other stores! You know what was ridiculous? Manny saw that a toy he brought from Toys R Us was HALF priced at Big Lots! :P Hehe, but I think he actufally kept the toy and bought one from there...it was a Spider-Man, and everyone knows how obsessed he is with Spider-Man...
Oh, I actually bought a toy myself-a Barbie doll! :D I don't really play with them anymore, but...my love for Barbie dolls haven't gone away. I just like holding her...she's just SOOO pretty! :D
After that, we were going to get coffee, but then Daddy decided to get frozen yogurt instead...I know I mentioned this on my post for my 16 birthday, but I'll say it again-Frozen Yogurt is delicious! It's actually suppressed ice cream-it's much more creamy and I love how it's not as cold as ice cream, because the latter gave me brain freeze :P
When we were done, we headed home. Momma and Daddy went out (they do that a lot ;D) so Manny was in charge. Oh, that reminds me...for some reason it was SO...FREAKING...HOT upstairs! I could barely stand it! So before they left Momma said some guy was coming over to check on it. So Manny went to talk to him when he came over. Oh, but this is the best part...after he let there was a BLACKOUT (DUM DUM DUM!!!)
Seriously, the WHOLE neighborhood was in a blackout...at first we thought it was whatever the guy had done, but that wouldn't explain why the whole neighborhood was in a blackout! So we took out flashlights and my laptop (which was luckily charged previously). Manny called Momma and Daddy, and later on they came home. They called someone to fix it, and they said to expect the electricity to come back on at eleven-thirty pm...it was nine-twenty-ish around the time, and I usually went to sleep before eleven...So we waited and waited, and-by a miracle-the electricity came on around ten instead! We all cheered, and then I headed off to bed. So that was an interesting event, but overall the day was fine! :D
Monday was Momma and Daddy''s anniversary! :D They've been married for twenty years now, and their relationship has stayed strong<3 Sometimes I wonder if I should get something for their anniversary, but I never know what :P. It's the same thing with Mother and Father's Day...but anyway, that's besides the point.
I had planned to go try a dance class somewhere, since I'm leaving my old studio, but it didn't work out because of the anniversary. I should have figured that, though. I'm going to try next week or the week after that, not that you care about that...lol!
I started doing a little work on Tuesday As I mentioned above, I didn't want to do nothing productive in the summer, so I decided to read some book on accounting for college students. It was really interesting. Now I'm trying to decide if I want to be an accountant, because I'm also interested in being a writer...Oh well, only time will tell! And I also started reading some book on Congress, because I know next to nothing about politics. But it was kind of boring, and I ended up getting distracted :P
But the best part of Tuesday was that I GOT TO GO TO THE BEACH!!! I don't know if I mentioned this earlier or not, but I really wanted to go to the beach this summer-and now I have :). You should have seen me, I literally was sequaling in excitement XD. Hehe, so anyway, we got dressed in our suits and brought a change of clothes, and then we went to this nice little condo on the beach.
Afterwards we got our stuff and headed towards the beach! :D I spent half of my time looking for seashells and in the water. I love making seashells into necklaces-it only works with the ones with holes in them, of course. Oh, and there was this seagull I was trying to take a picture of-I think he knew I was stalking him, because he kept walking away from me as I walked towards him ;) It was so funny.
When we were done, we went to the condo again and hung out for awhile. Sometime afterwards, we ordered some pizza and sandwiches for lunch from Dominos-it was sooo good! :D And then after that (a little while later) we went to this shop that sold custard and italian ice! I've had italian ice before so I got the custard instead. It was sooo creamy and smooth...better than ice cream. I'm not sure if it was better than frozen yogurt though-I love frozen yogurt<3
Later on (since we had decided to stay at the condo), Momma took me and my sister Imani to get some things we wanted from the house to bring to the condo (my laptop). And later on we came back to the condo. It's funny-we stayed at the condo only a few weeks after moving into a new house. Only the Lloyds would do that...lol
On Wednesday we ate breakfast at the condo, and then around noon-ish (I think) we went to the beach again :D. It was SO much! Seriously, I loved it. I collected seashells, spent time in the water...I love going to the beach<3
On Thursday we made sure everything was packed so we could leave the condo. After all of that had been taken care of, we went to Crackle Barrel for breakfast-their food is so good! :D I got this delicious parfait, but unfortunately I couldn't finish it :P
After that we were heading home, but somehow Manny convinced Momma to take him to Toys R Us....lol...so we went there for a little while. I didn't buy anything, but I just browsed :). After that, then, I think we headed home-that is, after we stopped at Bojangos for lunch ;). Gotta wanna needa getta hava Bojangos! XD
Ooh, when I got home later on, I started making necklaces with the seashells! I need something better than yarn to hold them, though-like maybe string-so I'll post photos of them maybe next week or so. Anyway, dinner rolled around the corner, but I was so busy listening to music and dancing like a maniac and reading a GREAT fanfiction that I almost forgot to eat...lol, but it was a fun night<3
And now it's Friday! I'm not sure what the day has planned for me yet, but I'm hoping to get *something* productive done. Just because it's summer doesn't mean I should be lazy, right? Well, my Mom doesn't think it's so important for me to do schoolwork, so I think I'll start studying on some things I'm interested in-accounting, creative writing, possibly Greek mythology (I am obsessed)...and I think I will read some books as well with the extra time that I have! I am the ultimate bookworm-give me a classic novel or one that just came out, and as long as it's good I'll read it ;)
Well, that's it for today, I guess. I'm getting hungry and REALLY should go eat breakfast. Lol, okay, well let me get off before I forgot! XD Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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