
Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Weekly Log Of My Incredibly Average Life

Hey, I wanted to spice up the title - saying stuff like, "The first week of January" and the "Second week of January" was getting kind of old for me (wait, it's almost February? How is that possible???) I know I always complain about time flying by, but I'm trying to be optimistic about it. After all, February means we're closer to March, and March is when the Divergent movie comes out! :D *Starts squealing like a fangirl* "Calm down, Fairley: remember, you have a blog post to write…"

My Little Pony was okay. It was about Rainbow Dash and the Equestria Games. I know I keep saying it's okay, but...I just remember when MLP was awesome. I literally could look forward to every episode in season 2 (and season 1 was only slightly lower than season 1). Season 3 was when it jumped the shark, although they had some good episodes (though season 4 may be better). Whatever. Anyway...

I forgot to blog about Agents of Shield last week (not this week - it's on hiatus). It's just still eh right now. I wish they'd do more with Coulsion's mysterious revival. That's the only storyline I'm really interested in, unfortunately. My brother said that some people said Joss Whedon's shows take a little while to get into (although Joss is only executive producer of this), so maybe I should give it time. It's still somewhat entertaining, anyway. And the next episode has Stan Lee making a cameo (wherever superheroes are involved, Stan comes ;), and Sif from Thor is going to make a guest appearance (it looks like she's doing more than a cameo! :D)

I've become addicted to several Star Wars fanfictions on, at least on Saturday and Sunday…I really need to be banned from that website ;) I could spend an entire day on it and waste my weekend when I had *planned* to do some writing/reading.

I'm glad I got Monday off :) It would have been Martin Lurther King, Jr.'s birthday! Well, actually his birthday was either Wednesday or Thursday, but we celebrated it on Monday for the three day weekend thing :). Anyway, I never knew of him when he lived, but I've read about the great things he had done in his life. I hope he rests in peace.

Switched At Birth is still so-so, but at least they're focusing on more serious issues as opposed to romance. But I wish they would stop with the stereotypes. Like seriously, the black girl on the show is really catty. It's annoying and a little offensive -_- The weird thing is that they portray the mentally disabled people in positive lights -  I guess that would be considered too offensive to stereotype (which I totally agree with). But you shouldn't stereotype anyone or put them in "traditional" roles, so to speak. Oh, well, at least the show's overall theme is about family and acceptance.

I'm kind of nervous for exams in my screenwriting course that are due next Friday. :O I mean, I know I won't have anything really happen to me if I fail, given that it's an introduction course, but still...I want to do my best on it. And I can only take it once. I have calmed down and constantly reminded myself "What's the worst that could happen?" I'll just keep quizzing myself - so far, I got most of the answers right, so hopefully I'll do well on it :)

Ugh, I've hit a major writer's block in Hyper-Monkey. I'm trying to stretch the word count to 20,000, but I think that's proving to be the wrong route. I feel like the story is going on longer than it needs to be and I'm running out of ideas :P I may just finish it up sooner. This definitely wasn't my best work, but oh well - at least I got in a little writing most days of the week! Overall I think I did a fine job on it, if I say so myself ;)

On the bright side, I'm getting hit with constant inspiration for my Star Wars fanfiction that I plan to write in February, but now I have too many ideas to choose from! :O I guess some of these ideas did appear in my head since 2005, before I was an "official" writer. Hehe, anyway, I can't wait to write that fanifiction next month! Maybe it's good that I have so many ideas, because now I have multiple ideas to chose from when it comes to editing/publishing :D

Meemaw came over Wednesday and we played different card games. It was really fun! You see, my grandma can get competitive (in a friendly manner, nevertheless), so that makes things extra fun, especially when she's not winning XD Lol, but seriously, I had tons of fun. Momma said she's trying to come here today, too, so I'm estatic :D

Oh yeah, I don't know why I didn't blog about this last week, but my dad's been gone for about two weeks doing business trips around different states. It's been kind of weird that he's not been here for so long. I know he did work and I didn't see him as often as Mom, but his presence was still there. It just feels weird that he's absent. But Momma said he may be here Sunday, so that's good :)

And that's it for the week! Thanks for reading my blog, or part of it, whoever did. I now have over 2,000 views! :D I'm so happy. When I first had this blog I barely had any views, and now look where we are! *Starts singing Drake's lyrics "Started from the bottom now we're here!"* Lol, ciao!!!

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