
Saturday, March 15, 2014

Spring Forward

I just thought I'd give y'all an Alice in Wonderland quote :) I know it's one of the craziest stories I've ever read, but I love it so much! I think it's because it's set in a fantastical world. I love the idea so much that I wrote a modern day version of it, which, while needs editing, you can read on Movellas if you're interested ;)

Speaking of writing, the story I did (which is called "Alice's Wonderland", so there's no question about whether or not if it's related to Lewis Carol's story), I want to enter in all these contests for Movellas and Figment, but I'm struggling! They have short word limits (Movellas is 3,000 while Figment's is a tiny 500), so I find that I can't pour out all my ideas into the story :/ I'm really struggling with Figment because they have a new contest entry and I have NO ideas for it, plus the word limit is small. I wished they did at least 1,000. Oh, well, this'll always be my writer's dilemma, too many or too little words...

I guess that was kind of random, huh? But so am I ;) Anyway, this'll just be a log of random things that happened this week to me that I found interesting (I love my life, but I realize that it's pretty normal and not all the time incredibly interesting :P lol).

Okay, so I watched a few episodes of The Clone Wars on Netflix Saturday and have been doing some reading, and I must say that the show has some very interesting story lines. But it's also pretty violent...I mean, people's necks are getting snapped, people are being's brutal. Just for once, can't we have a cool, complex show that both kids and adults can watch without having to concern ourselves with over-the-top violence? That's a rant for another day, folks. Anyway...

So it was Daylight's Saving's Time Sunday. I've never liked Daylight Saving's Time, though. I mean, I get why we have it, but I hate how an hour's taken away. I'd rather let it be darker outside than to save light and loose an hour. But I just don't like adjusting to new things :P haha, I'll get over it...

Once Upon A Time came back on. I can't say it was the best episode I've seen, but it wasn't bad, and it's certainly got me interested for what's in store next week. Hopefully it'll be better than the first half of season 3.

So we did improv again at dance class Monday :) I have to say that, although I was nervous before having my classmates looking at me (and still am to an extent), I love letting myself go in dance. If only I could have remembered the lyrics to the song we danced to and google them or asked my teacher what the song was, I'd add it to my "Choreography" playlist on Spotify.

I'm afraid Switched At Birth is going back into romantic territory :P Honestly, though, I don't care about Daphne's love triangle or Bay's relationship issues where NO guy ever seems to like her and cheats/lies about cheating on her or some other problem (seriously? Does no one like Bay? :/) I want to get back to the family stuff. I like romance, but the family drama dynamic was the main reason I watched the show. And I've seen others online saying the same thing. Oh, well, I guess I can just rewatch season 1 on Netflix. I loved that season :)

I still couldn't find Champion at the library Thursday :P I wanted something good to read and wanted to stop obsessing over Star Wars with the EU novels (not to mention the ones I really wanted weren't there), so I borrowed The Lost Hero and Cross My Heart And Hope To Spy.

I must admit that, while I am not as big of a fan of the Heroes of Olympus series as my brother Manny is, I thought it was pretty good, and I'm enjoying the book so far. Also, I didn't love I'd Tell You I'd Love You, But Then I'd Have To Kill You, but I'm enjoying the sequel. Maybe it's just one of those situations where your expectations were too high and, since I didn't have as much enthusiasm for the second book, I ended up liking it better (the same thing happened with Percy Jackson). Anyways, I'm glad I'm enjoying it :)

I don't know what to do with Lizard-Man anymore! :O I don't want to skip over to the middle/near the end already, but I'm running out of ideas! Looks like I'll have to get back to reading for more ideas--that certainly helped me get WAY too many ideas for Star Wars fanfictions than needed :P At least I still have ideas to write! Whenever I have writer's block, I try forcing myself to get through a story (because I'm staying to outline them with a beginning and an end, so I know where I'm going with them), or head over to another story of mine (because I have too many ideas XD) and start writing. SO TAKE THAT, WRITER'S BLOCK! HA! (Yeah, I know, I'm so excitable sometimes...)

So that's pretty much it for this week. Meemaw came over Tuesday and we chatted and did some fun stuff. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this week's My Little Pony--Maud was hilarious XD. I am so excited for Divergent, which, by the way, comes out in less than a week :)  I'm probably gonna invite a friend who's already read the books, Hana, the girl I also invited to go see Catching Fire with back in November. And speaking of friends, my good friend Claire's birthday is today, so I wished her a happy birthday on Facebook. I guess she's a March baby like me :) haha, ciao!!!

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