
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Pictures I Forgot To Post Last Week...And More!

(One of the pages I liked posted this on Facebook, and I just had to save it XD)

Okay, so I promised y'all that I'd put up some pictures of what I've been doing lately. So, here they are! I actually took the first pictures YEARS ago, and I don't have most (if any) of the dolls (although I still have the bracelet), but I recently uploaded them to Pinterest. All of them are doll clothes I either sewed or just made on my own ^_^

Sock dresses

Red dress

Beige-ish dress
Short black dress
Long black dress
Wedding dress
Beach attire
A doll I sewed when I was about 12 or 13
Bracelet I made from a kit from my grandma

And these are more recent:

A green pillow I made from an old shirt
100% non-sew!
...and another one!
I had to sew this one because there was a hole in it :P
A Doritos bag as a purse 
I already have one, though, so I'll probably try to sell this one...
And here's another one!
Utz chip bag purse
I transformed an old can (not this one, but you get the idea)...
...into a container for my markers!

In other news, Monday was Memorial Day! My dad actually got it mixed up with Veterans' Day, and I do sometimes as well...hehe. I guess since they're both on Monday? Ah, well, anyway, I guess I probably should have done something instead of just blurting out "Happy Memorial Day!" But it is to remember those who died, which is good. So, yeah :)

I really hope I won't get lazy in the summer :P I'm gonna do a sort of literature thing where I choose books to read and then review them whenever I'm done. Also, I think I mentioned this before, but I'm going through little exercises in a book I have on writing character emotions (which looks like it'll help me!), so I made that into a mini "course" ;) And I'm forcing myself to read a book of math reviewing it so that I won't forget and won't be lazy. And, of course, I have my crafts. And purging. There's always something to do in this house! Lol!

I'm thinking of getting back to writing fairytales. As pieces fall into place for my Alice In Wonderland contemporary reboot (and after reading some fairytale reboots from my friends and online), I'm getting the encouragement. For instance, my brother had an idea of Goldilocks being a criminal, which I started writing Wednesday :D

Also, I think I finally figured out at least ONE problem in my Lizard-Man story - I always pictured it as a television series, so it doesn't need to be written in novel form. It needs to be written in screenplay format! Well, that's one problem solved ;) haha

I used to think I would have to wait to finish a novel to publish, but then I realized that I could publish a short story instead! Sure, both will be work, but it'll take less time to write a well-written short story :D

Of course, I HAD to read a preview of TFIOS before the movie! Now it's rented at all the libraries and I have to wait to put it on hold! :P Ugh! This is just like when I was going to read The Hunger Games before the film and everyone borrowed the last copies. In the meantime, though, whenever I get to the library, I hope I'll be able to read City of Bones.

I'm not really interested in watching SAB this week. I mean, it's still entertaining, but it's becoming all about romantic relationships and I'm not really interested in that. But better to have drama in a TV show than real life, huh?

Well, that's it for the week! I'm going to a hotel in a town where my parents (it's adults only) will be going to a surprise birthday party for my aunt, and I'll be gone until sometime Sunday - whenever we check out of the hotel. But you betcha I'll bring my trusty laptop with me on the way! Ciao!!!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Done With School!!!

Hi! As a southerner, I approve of the above picture. I don't always say "y'all", but it is something that comes to me naturally ;) (by the way, I got the picture from a page I liked, but I don't know who originally made it. I probably should have said that about the other pictures I post so I wouldn't sound like I had them, to avoid plagiarism. Anyway...)

I wrote this several weeks ago, but my mom started putting yarn braids in my older sister's hair! :) It's been over a month, though, so she had to take them out. And we're doing this other hairstyle now, jumbo twists (I LOVE it) and she's going to put it in my hair and my younger sister's hair.

I walked/ran with my parents Sunday! It was cool, getting up early in the morning and walking/running (the latter; I'm not a morning person :P haha!) Then we went to eat at the Waffle House, and oh. My. Gosh. Their chicken salad is delicious!!! Haha! I think I'll try doing it everyday, if I'm up for it - it's a great way to get in some exercise and soak in some fresh air.

I only got a 63% on my final exam for math!!! :P To be fair, I didn't think I'd do too well...honestly, I've been feeling a little apathetic lately, and other issues that I won't bother you with (at least for But I shouldn't have not done it because of that. My mom made a retest, and I tried to do well on that, but it appears I've forgotten some things :P But I got an 80% on that!

The CAT test was here O_O We did the first two Tuesday, the second two Wednesday, and the last tow Thursday. I guess I don't hate it, but, in the great lyrics from one of Plain White T's songs that I just discovered: "Hate is a strong word, but I really, really, really don't like you." I mean, what's the point of taking a test that you don't get to know the answers to? They're just comparing me to the public schoolers, so it's about what's average or not. Technically, I don't have to do it, since I'm 17 (did I say that in a previous post? It sounds familiar), but Mom's making me since I'm still in high school :P Boo. Well, at least I won't have to after my senior year! BUT NOW I'M FINALLY DONE WITH SCHOOL!!! YES!!!

My life on Wattpad got a whole lot better! I don't think I ever posted this before, but I  used to dislike it because virtually no one would review my stories. Well, thanks to another user  (I stalked their, I discovered that they had "clubs", aka, forums, and one of them was for someone to offer to review things for others and could have a payment in return. So, I wrote on their that I'd review others and asked for them to review a piece of mine in return, and WHOA. In a few minutes, I literally got one response. And another. And before I knew it, I was overwhelmed with reviews so much that I hart to temporarily close down my reviewing services! :D

Speaking of reviewing, I must have been really bored (oaky, I know I was), because I asked like 10 or so people for swaps...and now I have a lot of responses, as well as others asking for swaps! So now I'm overwhelmed with trying to review other's stuff and keep alternating between Wattpad and Figment. Oh, my...Well, at least I'll get feedback in return!

I know I've been talking about how I'm getting stuck on Lizard-Man, but I honestly don't know what to do! And I'm getting bored. He's a boring character; if the writer thinks the character is boring, then that's not a good thing :P I'm hoping to get more reading inspiration, so the next book I'll read (I just finished up the novelization of Return of The Jedi) is probably going to be The Fault In Our Stars.

Well, that's it for the week! I keep hearing that TFIOS is a tearjerker, so I'm a little afraid of reading But, from the preview I read via an ebook, I really like the writing style, so I think I'll enjoy it. My Little Pony doesn't come on this week :/ boo! My aunt is having a surprise birthday party my family's supposed to be going to next week...And once I take some pictures, or get the ones my Mom has taken, I'll post the pictures of my yarn hair! :D And I've gotta post some pictures of my craft projects!


Saturday, May 17, 2014

Mother's Day & More

Sunday was Mother's Day :3 I wish I had gotten my Mom something, but I didn't :P I never know what to get her! And, since I'm practically with her 24/7, it's not like I could really surprise her with a gift. But I wrote a nice message on her wall, and I know she appreciated it :) Next time I'll have to make her a card, too ;)

Once Upon A Time's season 3 finale was pretty good! Time-trvaleing is as confusing as heck, but I love how characters see things happen in the past and change them/have to be careful not too change him. This was one of my favorite episodes of the season :3 But now Regina/Robin Hood are gone because Emma accidentally brought Marion back in time...I'm glad she saved her life, but it looks like Regina will hate her now...can she ever have a good love life? And they're bringing Frozen into it, because I saw Elsa. Oh. My. Gosh. I want to see the movie SO bad and I love Elsa's character from what I read in the novelization. I'm excited for season 4 :)

So I did my unit test this week, and final exam for math...I'm not sure how I did, to be honest. I kept forgetting some stuff on the unit test, which kind of sucks :P But, to be fair, it HAD been stuff I did several weeks ago.

Agents of Shield was so good Tuesday! Like wow. So many awesome moments. Let's recap: FitzSimmons had a nice little poignant moment when they thought they were going to die. And Nick Fury had an EPIC entrance by saving them!!! Skye had May kick the !@#$$ out of Ward in another awesome entrance! And oh my ghosh. Nick Fury and Phil Coulsion. Awesome duo. Every word that came out of Nick Fury's mouth was truly golden. I keep quoting him every now and then. And Coulsion moved up a level of buttkicker. Garret went crazy - I missed his smugness as opposed to I-Want-To-Become-More-Than-A-Man maniacal type, and he ripped out of a dude's ribcage, I think O_O, but I LOVED the moment when we though cra-cra Garret was coming back and Coulsion shot him!!! And his reaction! I fell out laughing!!! XD

It was kinda weird how Skye's dad's is alive, thought I'm not surprised, but his face wasn't shown and he had like, blood on his hand O_O And Coulsion started writing weird symbols, like Sam Witwicky Revenge of The Fallen style, probably due to the alien stuff in him, in the middle of the night O_O And they said Fitz was okay, but I didn't see him! But the episode was really good. I'm surprised and proud at how far AOS has gone. It started off okay, mediocre, as you'll see on my past posts, but after The Winter Soilder cameo ut and they made Ward evil, it's been pretty good! I wouldn't say it's up here yet, since I still want to care for the characters more, but it took a giant step up! I heard that's how shows involved with Joss Whedon go, so I hope AOS will be as good as people said Buffy and Fireflies were :D

My grandma came over today!!! I'm not sure if I mentioned it in any past posts or not, but she's the one who taught me sewing :3 Anyway, we talked and stuff and I showed her my bottle cap jewelry (above) and she mentioned how she made jewelry once.

I'm going to get through this freaking writer's block with Lizard-Man!!! I'm trying to set a time limit of at least 10 minutes and it's working so far! :D I've gotta spice up the characters, though, because I am getting bored with them :P And the story...Time to hit the books and read something to give me inspiration for superhero stories!

But I am reading. It took me awhile, but I'm reliving Return of The Jedi by reading the novelization :) After I'm done with this, I'll be done with the Star Wars saga - so far, that is. Of course, the new movies will be out next year, so.. ;)

Well, that's it for the week! I love how Movellas is having a contest inspired off the Walking Dead for a zombie-story contest! But it's based off of Zombie Awareness Month, which is apparently in May...I just don't get the whole zombie apocalypse thing, but, you know, that's just me. My Little Pony won't be on today because of the season finale :'( But at least this fall it'll get a season five!!! :D Ciao!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

May Days

Hope you get a laugh from the above picture!!! ;) So, before I begin with the post, I just wanted to let y'all know that I may move to posting my blog updates Sundays now. I did too much other stuff on Saturday before to keep up with (updating my Facebook pages, getting on Figment, Movellas, Wattpad, etc., which I moved to Fridays, at least for now). So yeah. Anyway...

I watched My Little Pony last Saturday and also spent some time talking to my HSB friends on FB and used Cleverbot, which they introduced me to yesterday :) They also talked about Skype-ing, which I hope to do :D I went to Jungle Rapids, too, and had loads of fun :) I did pretty well in golf and was close to getting a hole in one twice! :D

Sunday was Star Wars Day, aka, May The Fourth :) I'm not sure why, since none of the movies came out on May, but according to Wikipedia it said it was an annual holiday honoring Star Wars. And why not honor one of my biggest randoms? :) Since Cinco De Mayo is May 5, we should do Revenge of The Sith :), haha, May the Fourth be with us all! :)

Once Upon A Time came on that night, as usual. I really do like Regina's redemption, but I hope they won't ruin it. As much as I hate Zelena, I'm glad Zelena didn't kill her. But then Regina kept Zelena's pendant and had an evil gleam in her eye...I can deal with her still having evilness (and cynicism ;) in her, but don't make her purely evil. Give her layers :) And I don't like how Rumple broke Belle's promise to try and kill Zelena, but I don't feel that bad for her, unforatunegtlu. I don't want her dead, but I can't stand Zelena. She's just way too jealous and insecure and needs to get her issues straight. But I don't think she's dead...Ugh, another unlikable villain that you don't love to hate (Rumple and Cora and even Regina at times). Oh, well...guess I'll wait to see what the 2-hour season finale has in store!

Monday was Cinco De Mayo. Some people said it was Revenge of the Fifth, but, because of Cinco De Mayo, I pushed it to Tuesday. I don't celebrate Cinco De Mayo, though, since I'm not Mexican. And apparently it's commonly misinterpreted as Mexican Independence Day in the United States, so it's not like we even got the holiday right...That's America for ya! :P lol

As I said above, Tuesday was Revenge of the Sith! I didn't do much, since I usually obsess over Star Wars (lol), but Knights of The Old Republic, a game I've been wanting for a few weeks now, was on sale because of the May the Fourth-Revenge of the Sixth (presumably) celebration--so I downloaded it :)

Guess what? This week is my last week of school! Well, I have finals next week, but after that I'm done with 11th grade! :D I'm sooo excited! I don't hate school, but I mean, who likes it? XD Sure, there are parts I like, but if I had to choose school or not, you

Anyway, I'l still be doing work during the summer (Spanish because I'll need to take it in college, which I'll probably end up attending), and I'm gonna make a creative writing course out of a book I got from the library book sale. Did I write this last week? If so, I'm sorry for repeating myself XD

I'm struggling with Lizard-Man again...I did no writing Wednesday :P But on the plus side I timed myself for writing for at least 10-15 minutes (which always works for me) and I got in a heck of a lot done! So I'm proud :D I'll probably take Fridays-Sundays off to take a break from writing so I won't get too sick of my story :P lol, the parts of writing I dislike are outweighed by the pros, though :3

Fridays now, too, I'm thinking of publishing my rants/articles about everything about the media on my new Tumblr blog, Freak Out Fridays. My brother gave me the idea, and, since I can rant my head off (I think I get it from my Dad lol), I decided to do it :) I'm also going to publish my stories on Figment, Movellas, Wattpad, etc. that day (if I have any, of course). Not that anyway cares about my schedule, but this blog is about my stuff, so I'm entitled to post whatever I want XD

I still am in the crazy upcycling DIY mode!!! I even tried getting my sewing machine to work so I could get my projects done faster - I haven't opened that thing in months! :P Anyway, I had loads of fun making all sorts of things -a bag and pillow made from old T-shirts, more jean pocket purses, and even some rooms in a dollhouse! The last one's my favorite! I've got to upload some more pictures, but you can find most of them on my Pinterest :)

That's been pretty much it for the week! My Little Pony's season finale came on today, so that was nice :) I had a blast tweeting live on Twitter. I love using it whenever a show's on - it's like everyone  is in the room as it's happening! I'll do it tomorrow with Once Upon A Time's season finale as well and Agents of Shield :)

Gosh, I can't believe my shows are ending already! They're all getting renewed, but I'll have to wait until the fall! Switched At Birth and Under The Dome will be the only shows in the summer I'll watch, or may - I'm not really invested in SAB anymore and UTD creeps me out, so I may stop watching it O_O lol! I may watch some series on Netflix instead during the summer. I need to finish Lost (got two more seasons left!) and I may watch Sherlock, since I heard it's good. And Star Wars Rebels will be in the fall, so I hope it'll be as good as The Clone Wars!

Ciao!!! :D

Saturday, May 3, 2014

May Is Here!

Photo is courtesy of my good friend, Sarah Demens. Where she got it from I have no idea, but I love the quote. A quote about writing AND Alice In Wonderland? Folks, it can't get much better than that ;) Haha, anyway, on to this post...

I liked My Little Pony this week, but I still feel like it's missing the umph from season 1 and 2. Sometimes I wonder if I'm too hard of a critic :/ Seriously, though, I still love MLP, but I find it entertaining, but a bit mildly, and not as engaging as season 1-2. I don't know why, but I feel like most shows jump the shark after the past seasons. But maybe I'm being too harsh. I don't know. I usually rate things as "okay" as opposed to "love it" or "hate it", though, so I think I'm pretty neutral when it comes to entertainment. Or indecisive, I suppose. Anyway...

I really enjoyed Once Upon A Time last Sunday! Regina's character development is AWESOME. She actually cried for Snow White and Charming at one point. The freaking Evil Queen felt sympathy for Snow White and Prince Charming. But she can also be cynical, in a funny way ;) Seriously, I love her now :) And though I was here-nor-there with Robin Hood, I'm glad Regina is finally allowing herself to love again. Aw<3 And Henry finally remembers! Yes! I feel like he's wasted space sometimes, to be honest. He just doesn't do much, that's all :/ And Zelena is really irritating me! STOP TAKING AWAY PEOPLE'S HAPPINESS, WOMAN!!! But seriously, she's annoying and I wish she'd just go away. Go hang out with Peter Pan in the Stop-Ruining-People's-Lives corner :/ Lol, I can't believe the season finale is coming up! It's been a sort of rough ride, but now I'm going to miss it! :p lol!

I didn't know my old contemporary teacher wasn't going to be here Monday :/ I knew she was leaving but I didn't know it was on that day :P No one else but my sister Imani and a lady working at the dance studio were there (besides the teacher, of course). The new teach was really good but she made it really difficult in dance class XD lol. I don't know if I'm going to do the summer stuff. I liked my semester here well enough, but it's more of a "drop-in/drop-out" situation and I was hoping for a place to form closer friendships. Ah, well, at least I didn't come across any drama (yet!) And I did meet some cool people there who I found/friended through Facebook :)

Manny got off class Thursday and will go back Monday, then he's done!!! And I only have about two weeks left of school, so I'll finish in mid-May--which is AWESOME!!! Of course, as a homeschooler in my area, I have to do that darned C.A.T. test, plus I'm taking some courses over the summer, but I'm DONE WITH MATH!!! MWAHAHAH!!! Lol, I'm a little excited ;)

Speaking of bumpy rides, Agents of Shield is The Winter Soilder did a LOT for that show. Like seriously, the episode where Ward went all Hydra on us was the best episode to date of the series. And the past two ones were pretty good and I enjoyed them more than the past ones. I can't believe it's going to end season one after the episode after next week's episode :/  Last Tuesday's episode continued to impress me. GAH, WHY DID THEY WAIT SO LONG TO ENGAGE ME???!!! AND WHY IS IT ENDING SO SOON??? :/ lol

My grandma came over Thursday! :) We started talking and playing games (the game where you stat ever sentence according to the order of the letter of the alphabet-I forget its name :P, truth or dare, and others I can't remember :P lol). Eventually "I dare you to sing" turned into a whole game of playing music and having one person singing it. So yeah, we had loads of fun :D

I've discovered that I really don't like editing. Most of it, anyway :P But I want to do it with the second draft of Lizard-Man because I want to polish my stories, and I can't do that if I'm constantly writing new ones. So I'm setting myself a time limit. No distractions, wiring straight for 10-20 minutes or so. It worked really well Thursday, but I let myself get distracted Friday :P But I will do it! I'm determined to get this story done :)

I'm thinking of spending the summer (aside from some extra school work, of course), doing more DYI upcycled projects, but also trying to make money off of them. My family keeps saying that it would be awesome if I could and I want to figure out a way to. I live in a city where tourists bring in most of the money (we've got the beach, baby! ;), so whenever summer comes rolling around, we'll try to figure out how to sell stuff. It could be fun and be my first experience possibly owning a business :)

I don't know if I mentioned my online friends from HomeschoolBlogger to you guys, but if not it's probably because I haven't talked to them in forever since the site shut down :/ But on Wednesday, they had a chat group for the HSB group on Facebook, and I ended up chatting with people I hadn't talked to in months!!! It was awesome :D I got a little addicted and talked till 11 one day :P lol, but that just means I like talking to them :) Anyway, I'll get on every now and then to see who's on. It's really cool. Someone was talking about Skype-ing or doing Google hangouts so we could actually see each other, which would be awesome. I love my friends so much :)

Well, that's it for the week. Today is Sarah's birthday!!! :D I wrote an incredibly long message on her Facebook wall XD But it was to tell her how much I loved her and appreciated having her in my life :3 I am probably an introvert and don't call many people my best friend, but with Sarah, I have too say that she's at least one of them :) Bye!!!