
Saturday, May 10, 2014

May Days

Hope you get a laugh from the above picture!!! ;) So, before I begin with the post, I just wanted to let y'all know that I may move to posting my blog updates Sundays now. I did too much other stuff on Saturday before to keep up with (updating my Facebook pages, getting on Figment, Movellas, Wattpad, etc., which I moved to Fridays, at least for now). So yeah. Anyway...

I watched My Little Pony last Saturday and also spent some time talking to my HSB friends on FB and used Cleverbot, which they introduced me to yesterday :) They also talked about Skype-ing, which I hope to do :D I went to Jungle Rapids, too, and had loads of fun :) I did pretty well in golf and was close to getting a hole in one twice! :D

Sunday was Star Wars Day, aka, May The Fourth :) I'm not sure why, since none of the movies came out on May, but according to Wikipedia it said it was an annual holiday honoring Star Wars. And why not honor one of my biggest randoms? :) Since Cinco De Mayo is May 5, we should do Revenge of The Sith :), haha, May the Fourth be with us all! :)

Once Upon A Time came on that night, as usual. I really do like Regina's redemption, but I hope they won't ruin it. As much as I hate Zelena, I'm glad Zelena didn't kill her. But then Regina kept Zelena's pendant and had an evil gleam in her eye...I can deal with her still having evilness (and cynicism ;) in her, but don't make her purely evil. Give her layers :) And I don't like how Rumple broke Belle's promise to try and kill Zelena, but I don't feel that bad for her, unforatunegtlu. I don't want her dead, but I can't stand Zelena. She's just way too jealous and insecure and needs to get her issues straight. But I don't think she's dead...Ugh, another unlikable villain that you don't love to hate (Rumple and Cora and even Regina at times). Oh, well...guess I'll wait to see what the 2-hour season finale has in store!

Monday was Cinco De Mayo. Some people said it was Revenge of the Fifth, but, because of Cinco De Mayo, I pushed it to Tuesday. I don't celebrate Cinco De Mayo, though, since I'm not Mexican. And apparently it's commonly misinterpreted as Mexican Independence Day in the United States, so it's not like we even got the holiday right...That's America for ya! :P lol

As I said above, Tuesday was Revenge of the Sith! I didn't do much, since I usually obsess over Star Wars (lol), but Knights of The Old Republic, a game I've been wanting for a few weeks now, was on sale because of the May the Fourth-Revenge of the Sixth (presumably) celebration--so I downloaded it :)

Guess what? This week is my last week of school! Well, I have finals next week, but after that I'm done with 11th grade! :D I'm sooo excited! I don't hate school, but I mean, who likes it? XD Sure, there are parts I like, but if I had to choose school or not, you

Anyway, I'l still be doing work during the summer (Spanish because I'll need to take it in college, which I'll probably end up attending), and I'm gonna make a creative writing course out of a book I got from the library book sale. Did I write this last week? If so, I'm sorry for repeating myself XD

I'm struggling with Lizard-Man again...I did no writing Wednesday :P But on the plus side I timed myself for writing for at least 10-15 minutes (which always works for me) and I got in a heck of a lot done! So I'm proud :D I'll probably take Fridays-Sundays off to take a break from writing so I won't get too sick of my story :P lol, the parts of writing I dislike are outweighed by the pros, though :3

Fridays now, too, I'm thinking of publishing my rants/articles about everything about the media on my new Tumblr blog, Freak Out Fridays. My brother gave me the idea, and, since I can rant my head off (I think I get it from my Dad lol), I decided to do it :) I'm also going to publish my stories on Figment, Movellas, Wattpad, etc. that day (if I have any, of course). Not that anyway cares about my schedule, but this blog is about my stuff, so I'm entitled to post whatever I want XD

I still am in the crazy upcycling DIY mode!!! I even tried getting my sewing machine to work so I could get my projects done faster - I haven't opened that thing in months! :P Anyway, I had loads of fun making all sorts of things -a bag and pillow made from old T-shirts, more jean pocket purses, and even some rooms in a dollhouse! The last one's my favorite! I've got to upload some more pictures, but you can find most of them on my Pinterest :)

That's been pretty much it for the week! My Little Pony's season finale came on today, so that was nice :) I had a blast tweeting live on Twitter. I love using it whenever a show's on - it's like everyone  is in the room as it's happening! I'll do it tomorrow with Once Upon A Time's season finale as well and Agents of Shield :)

Gosh, I can't believe my shows are ending already! They're all getting renewed, but I'll have to wait until the fall! Switched At Birth and Under The Dome will be the only shows in the summer I'll watch, or may - I'm not really invested in SAB anymore and UTD creeps me out, so I may stop watching it O_O lol! I may watch some series on Netflix instead during the summer. I need to finish Lost (got two more seasons left!) and I may watch Sherlock, since I heard it's good. And Star Wars Rebels will be in the fall, so I hope it'll be as good as The Clone Wars!

Ciao!!! :D


  1. Haha, I think May the 4th is Star Wars day just so people can say "May the 4th be with you". ;)
    Yay for no more school! :D
    Booo for Spanish and college.
    It's neat what all projects you're doing! :D

    1. Yeah, probably :)
      I'm sooo excited. Once I finsih my unit test and final exam for math, I'm done! Except for the courses in summer, of course, and the CAT test...but after that test, no math!!! :D
      My brother is doing the college course over the summer so he can graduate earlier or something. He's doing it online, but he's got the book to it, so my mom said that I could do it with him so I'll be more prepared for the course if I go to college (which I probably will)
      Thanks! I really need to put some pictures up, but I was too lazy to :P lol. I put some of them up on Pinterest :D
