Sunday was Father's Day! I signed a card. And I guess we didn't do much...:P But my Mom did take Dad out to dinner :)
I watched “The Amazing Spider-Man 2” for free on Youtube! :O Someone actually put it on there! :D I know it’s probably illegal, but…I never saw it in theaters. And I have no money. I know that Youtube’ll take it down soon enough, but while it was up I watched it.
I hope I wasn’t influenced by other critics and reviewers, but this one wasn’t as good as the first one. It was okay. The storyline was kind of all over the place, like the first one: Peter balancing out his life between Spider-Man and being with Gwen Stacey, Peter’s parents’, Electro, Harry, Oscorp…I think they should just stick to one storyline and then add smaller plots here and there instead. But make sure they connect so they won’t be useless.
And that’s another thing—the villains. Why they weren’t overflowed like Spider-Man 3, they weren’t interesting to me. Electro is this guy who gets treated like dirt and has major self-esteem issues—he turned evil because Spider-Man saved him but didn’t remember his name. I was just like, “What the heck?” And Harry has some MAJOR emotional issues, though I get why he was mad at Peter, but still…But the actors were good, and overall it was okay. Not great, but decent.
And at least there was Peter and Gwen’s relationship. That was awesome :D I hate relationship problems, but I did get what Gwen was saying about Peter making up his mind. It must get annoying having to go back and forth. And once he did, Gwen helped him freaking save the world with her smarts! She is still as awesome as she was in the first movie!
***SPOILER ALERT*** How could they kill Gwen off??? Yeah, I know they did it in the comics, but not EVERYTHING in the comics stays the same (JARVIS was a butler!) And the film is all like, “Peter must be okay with being with Gwen instead of afraid for her life” and guess what? THEY KILL HER OFF!!! WHAT THE HECK???
I hate how they did that. You know what? I’m writing a fanfic NOT making that happen RIGHT NOW. Yep, right this instant. Because that sucks. “Oh, Peter, you have to be okay with being with Gwen, but now she’s gonna die!” They could have ended it so much happier, but they didn’t! Agh, I’m just so mad right now I can’t even asdfa…
Switched At Birth came back on Monday! I know I said that it had jumped the shark for me, but I still enjoy it, and Monday’s episode was pretty good!
I love how they’re going to be tackling cyberbullying now, with Emmet and Matthew and Meloday. That was very interesting. But ugh! Emmet, why didn’t you tell the principal the truth? I heard that sometimes victims of bullying try to cover up for the predator because they feel threatened. I know, but…as someone else said on Twitter (speaking of which, one of my tweets got 15 retweets and 25 favorites! Not to sound arrogant but I was so excited :D), it was better to tell the truth. And then Melody got all mad and, being the fiery person she is, went all mama bear on Matthew by slamming him against the locker and nearly assaulting him! It was intense, and now she’s been suspended ;O That’s probably the most interesting storyline
The next one would have to be with Daphne and Regina’s new job. I get why her friends are angry, but seriously? Throwing a brick at her window? And Monica is really annoying - I hate how they’re doing the stereotypical spiteful Latina portrayal with her and everyone in Daphne’s old neighborhood (and it’s not "politically correct". Not every minority is in the “ghetto" acts like a jerk, and white people can be juts as mean). Stereotypes suck, man... -_- Ugh, well, I’m afraid things are gonna get intense there, too. And Wes. Man, I hate that guy’s guts. I really hope Regina doesn’t date him, because, if she does…no. I don’t wanna think about it. Nope, nope, nope…
Bay’s storyline is so-so, but oh my gosh, WHY DID YOU MAKE HER CHEAT ON TANK WITH EMMET??? THE WHOLE REASON FOR THE BEMMET BREAKUP IS BECAUSE OF CHEATING!!! Ugh! I’m glad Bay felt bad, but seriously, Bay? That just felt out-of-charcater. She complained about cheating so much to Tank, and when he finds out the truth, he’s gonna feel used. Poor Tank…I love that guy. And I love Bemmet, but this is not how I wanted them to get back together *sighs*
J and K aren’t really doing anything, especially since they got back together (I must admit, no matter how OOC that was, I loved the drama in their relationship. Guilty pleasures…)I don’t get Toby going to Iceland—it’s like someone else said: it seems like the writers don’t know what to do with him. And maybe they don’t. Oh, well…
Overall, despite the romantic drama, this episode was really good! Actually, that’s mostly because the romanced was put aside next to the important issues that I do so love that they discuss: bullying, discrimination. I’m really looking forward to next week’s episode!
I got WAY too many books from the library! One was on mental health, the other was Linger, the second book in the Wolves of Mercy Falls series, and the third was Spells, the sequel to Wings by Aprilynne Pike (don’t remember the series’ name). But Linger bored me. I know not much happened in Shiver, and I got bored sometimes, but I think having the drama with Sam being wolf/human made it more interesting. So I’m probably going to return that one, as well as the health one.
Spells, I don’t think, is as good as Wings, but it’s pretty good! I love how we’re learning more about the faerie world in it. Aprilynne Pike has such a beautiful writing style.
Speaking of books, I made a goal to read about 12 this summer! I think I can make that goal, or, if not, then 10. I already read Uglies (which was around mid-May, so I consider it summer) by Scott Westerfield, then City of Bones by Cassandra Clare, then Beware, Princess Elizabeth by Caroline Meyer (historical fiction on Queen Elizabeth I—I’m a Tudor fanatic ;) and I have a whole other list of to-reads. So that’s about four books, so I’m about 1/3 way through! Whohoo! (So if anyone has any other book recommendations, lemme know. I’m also thinking of reading 50, maybe less, books next year :D)
I need to stop procrastinating on my Star Wars fanfic, because it’s almost the end of June and I still haven’t completed it! I hate feeling insecure about the writing and thus not wanting to “ruin” the story (it might not make sense but it’s the case for me :P) And I keep getting stuck in places. At least I’m writing! (Even if it’s not the story I was supposed to be working on…)But looking at others’ fanfics really inspire me :)
I think I wrote this before, back in May, but I’m going to turn Lizard-Man into screenplay format because I think it’ll run better. My earlier stories I always imagined as movies/television series. Plus, I don’t really like writing battle scenes and have difficulty with them (though I’m getting better! I copy down other’s examples and love challenging myself to do so!)
I want to make sure I get it done soon, because I just want to be published SO badly, yet I keep getting stuck on my stories or procrastinate. The procrastinating I WILL figure out, though it’s difficult…it’s said that it takes about a month to make something a habit, so I’ll try timing myself whilst writing and maybe that’ll help! (It did in the past, but I stopped dong it :P)
t’s official: I joined NaNoWriMo Thursday! I’m DEFINITELY doing it in Novemeber, but I’m still deciding whether or not to do the camp in July, as I have other works-in-progress that I’m still, well, working on :P Haha, but seriously, I’m so glad I joined. I’ve been procrastinating WAY too much on my stories and need someone like NaNoWriMo to hold me accountable!
It’s official: I joined NaNoWriMo Thursday! I’m DEFINITELY doing it in Novemeber, but I’m still deciding whether or not to do the camp in July, as I have other works-in-progress that I’m still, well, working on :P Haha, but seriously, I’m so glad I joined. I’ve been procrastinating WAY too much on my stories and need someone like NaNoWriMo to hold me accountable!
Now that I’ve finished reading Spells, I’m going to read a book on Nzingha/ It’s really cool reading about a princess/queen of Africa; I feel like I could actually be Nzingha because of our similarities :D And she’s so interesting! Whenever I finish reading (hopefully I’ll be done by Sunday), I’ll review it on my blog :)
I finally finished my Star Wars fanfic! Well, I finished it as in filling in the gaps I left in the story (if that makes any sense—broken conversations, incomplete chapters, etc.) FINALLY! I think I’m ready to let it sit for awhile now, and then I’ll get ready for Camp NaNoWriMo!
The story I’ll probably do for the camp (the summary’s already up) is Lethal Serenity (intended irony). Because I read so many dystopians, it’s about a teenage girl who lives in a post-apocalypic future in which pacifism is accomplished at all means—even if it means killing people. So, you see why it’s called “Lethal Serenity”? ;) I’m still deciding whether or not if I want to do it, because it’s going to have to be really violent to get my message across. But I still love the theme of it—I think violence and warfare is an important issue that I can tackle.
Another story that I thought of entering (though I’ve already written some of it, so I’m not sure if they want me to start from scratch or not) is “Fearless”. Based on Delirium by Laura Oliver, the novel is about a dystopian in which fear is viewed as a disease, so the government got a group of scientists to “numb” the sense—but they can’t destroy it, because fear can also equal awareness, which you need. I might change the whole disease thing, because that’s WAY too similar to Delirium. But I’m still going with the whole “ban this emotion to make people’s lives better but it really doesn’t” theme.
Finally, I was thinking of doing my zombies story (don’t know if I ever mentioned it before) for the november one, but I could do it for the camp. Either way, it’s a classic “zombies try to take over the world” story, although I like to think that I added a twist to it—they want revenge on a girl’s ancestors, so they try to kill her and her living family.
Well, that’s pretty much it for this week. Look out for my next post next week!!!
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